Great Dialogues Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Great Dialogues Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 177 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Socrates believes that the Sophists________________.
(a) Are philosophers themselves.
(b) Are evil imitators posing as philosophers.
(c) Have values worth learning from.
(d) Should be exiled on grounds of impiety.

2. As a consequence of an elevated state of mind, Socrates explains that philosophers often have trouble_________.
(a) With sensible and mundane activities.
(b) Being professional.
(c) Apprehending absolute truths.
(d) Focusing on complicated issues.

3. How does Socrates regard an oligarchy?
(a) Socrates claims that oligarchy is dangerous because it often leads to an impoverished public.
(b) Socrates thinks that class divisions are crucial to the success of an oligarchy.
(c) Socrates thinks that oligarchy is the best form of government in all cases.
(d) Socrates asserts that an oligarchy is worse than a democracy.

4. The tyrannical man, according to Socrates, is characterized by___________.
(a) Extreme paranoia.
(b) A quickness to express wayward thoughts.
(c) Spending money frivolously.
(d) A lack of temperance or restraint in any of his desires.

5. Socrates is primarily charged with________________.
(a) Failing to appear in court previously.
(b) Making the weaker arguments the stronger, corrupting the youth, and impiety.
(c) Violent public speech acts.
(d) Forsaking the laws and disobeying his superiors.

6. Socrates concludes Book X with a theory of _______________.
(a) Reincarnation of souls.
(b) Metaphysical phenomenology.
(c) Reverse psychology.
(d) Revolution for the government.

7. After a philosopher's formal education is complete in the Republic, what does Socrates' think is the next step in his training?
(a) Going into the street and spreading his knowledge to the masses.
(b) Working towards a professorship.
(c) Living abroad and returning only when summoned.
(d) Holding a military post in order to see if he can resist temptation in the field.

8. Socrates believes that a philosopher is best rewarded in death if ________.
(a) He becomes a god.
(b) His soul is laid to rest, while his body continues to survive.
(c) His soul continues to survive, while his body is laid to rest.
(d) He is brought back to life.

9. After the verdict, Socrates warns the Athenian jury that________.
(a) If they exile him, he will spread slander about the Athenian justice system
(b) If they execute him, they will only be hurting themselves, as his role will be impossible to replace.
(c) If they do not convict him, the public will think them weak.
(d) They are acting unjustly by carrying out the entire trial in one day.

10. Whom does Socrates think is the fourth (and least) happiest social class of man in the republic?
(a) The king.
(b) The democratic man.
(c) The tyrant.
(d) The aristocrat.

11. In Book X, Socrates returns to a discussion about _________.
(a) Government.
(b) Poetry.
(c) Military Strategy.
(d) Social affairs.

12. What is an aristocracy?
(a) Rule by a family.
(b) Rule by the elite.
(c) Rule by poor.
(d) Rule by the millitary.

13. Socrates believes that unjust men_________.
(a) Will be punished in death.
(b) Will be rewarded by the unjust gods.
(c) Will not necessarily be punished in death.
(d) Don't deserve death and should have to live forever.

14. Who is Evenus of Paros?
(a) The man who will execute Socrates.
(b) A poet and orator who charges five minas for instruction.
(c) A member of the Athenian jury.
(d) One of Socrates' accusers.

15. Where does Crito take place?
(a) A temple.
(b) Agathon's house.
(c) A jail.
(d) The marketplace at Athens.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is a democracy?

2. According to Socrates' opinion, what is the second happiest social class of man in the world?

3. One theme that is present in Book X, and in other dialogues is______________.

4. Who said the following: "Whether in battle or in a court of law, or in any other place, he must do what his city and his country order him; or he must change their view of what is just"?

5. Socrates' republic would have a ruling _________.

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