Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. In what year is the body of Bill Lancaster found?
2. Which of the following colors does Jamie see in the sea lions in Kodiak?
3. What skin does Caleb have on the floor of his cabin outside Missoula?
4. Marian buys a ticket to which of the following towns while en route to Vancouver by train?
5. In which city does Adelaide have her studio?
Short Essay Questions
1. What reasons are given for the ATA not teaching flight by instrumentation?
2. What response does Marian give to Ruth’s question about why people in Britain do not cry?
3. Why does Jamie warn Marian away from Barclay, albeit unsuccessfully?
4. What mercy does Marian perceive in her assumption that her love for Ruth cannot be reciprocated?
5. What is the initial direction in Hadley’s script?
6. What insight into fear does Hadley report having from playing Marian?
7. What prank is Lindbergh reported to have played on a friend?
8. Why does Sarah note liking Jamie’s drawings of her?
9. Why does Jamie give up searching for his father in Seattle?
10. What fears does Jamie note harboring with regard to the Faheys?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Hadley remarks that “We is safer than I when you’re inside it, but it’s a tippy thing, unreliable, ready at any moment to toss you away and leave you exposed as an I after all” (60). Does the novel substantiate the remark? How or how not?
Essay Topic 2
Typically, an epigraph is expected to speak to or set the tone for the work it introduces. Does the epigraph of Great Circle do so for the present novel? How or how not?
Essay Topic 3
Jamie is reported to comment that “Some people are rotten inside, and the rottenness will never go away” (137). Does the novel bear out the comment? How or how not?
This section contains 583 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |