The Grass Dancer Test | Final Test - Easy

Susan Power
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Grass Dancer Test | Final Test - Easy

Susan Power
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Joyce say Anna marries Emery?
(a) For his money.
(b) He is white.
(c) He is handsome.
(d) He is a Christian.

2. Who forms an unlikely friendship?
(a) Red Dress and Long Chase.
(b) Red Dress and Reverend Pyke.
(c) Fanny Brindle and Long Chase.
(d) Red Dress and Fanny Brindle.

3. What are her son and niece doing?
(a) Making beaded necklaces.
(b) Dancing and singing.
(c) Playing.
(d) Skipping rocks on the water.

4. What does Reverend Pyke have Red Dress translate?
(a) The Louisiana Purchase.
(b) The Bible.
(c) Sermons and other Christian writings into the Sioux tongue.
(d) The Declaration of Independence.

5. Why does Anna sew Dina's first traditional Sioux dress?
(a) Anna loves to sew.
(b) Dina's mother is not home to sew it.
(c) Dina does not want to sew.
(d) Dina's mother is useless with a needle.

6. Who does Harley see as he leans against the wall?
(a) Generations of Wind Soldiers.
(b) Generations of Sioux.
(c) Generations of prisoners in their spirit form.
(d) Generations of the U.S. cavalry.

7. Of what aspects of his friends and family does Harley think?
(a) Talents.
(b) Flaws.
(c) Fears.
(d) Faults.

8. Who goes with Red Dress to this fort?
(a) Father La Frambois.
(b) Her brother, Long Chase.
(c) Her brother, Long Fellow.
(d) Her mother.

9. Who pays a visit to Anna at the beginning of this chapter?
(a) Red Dress.
(b) Luther.
(c) Jeannette McVay.
(d) Crystal.

10. Whose hand is pressing on Charlene's chest?
(a) Red Dress'.
(b) Her grandmother's.
(c) Pumpkin's.
(d) Harley's.

11. Who is Jeannette to marry?
(a) Henry.
(b) Calvin Wind Soldier.
(c) Lloyd.
(d) Alex Holy Hand.

12. Why must Red Dress stay on the earth plane?
(a) She is too evil to go to the spirit plane.
(b) Ghost Horse is unable to loose her spirit as is required in the ceremony.
(c) She is still alive.
(d) She must wait for Ghost Horse who is still on the earth plane.

13. How will Frank be trained?
(a) To be the tribal shaman.
(b) To be a doctor.
(c) To be a counselor.
(d) In the ways of the blood medicine.

14. With what play does Red Dress assist Fanny?
(a) A Midsummer Night's Dream.
(b) Romeo and Juliette.
(c) Hamlet.
(d) MacBeth.

15. What does Lydia do when she smells alcohol on Harley's breath?
(a) She slaps him.
(b) She begins to cry.
(c) She falls to her knees.
(d) She hugs him.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Harley feel?

2. What does Anna offer Jeannette?

3. What has Mercury done to Charlene's textbooks?

4. Who is the first to marry of the twins?

5. How long has Lydia planned to marry Calvin?

(see the answer keys)

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