Graceling Test | Final Test - Medium

Kristin Cashore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Graceling Test | Final Test - Medium

Kristin Cashore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does the servant act who lets them into Po's castle?
(a) As if he is expecting them.
(b) Outraged.
(c) Hostile.
(d) Sad.

2. How does King Leck catch up to Ashen?
(a) He uses his Grace to determine their path.
(b) She hurt her back by a fall.
(c) She hurt her leg.
(d) He is riding horses and they are on foot.

3. How is Po when Katsa finds him?
(a) Is almost dead.
(b) Seems to be well.
(c) Is hostile to her.
(d) He tells her to go away without her seeing him.

4. What does Po say about his assault on King Leck?
(a) It was successful.
(b) Po gravely wounded the King.
(c) It fails.
(d) Po does not say.

5. What does Jem do when approached by Katsa and Bitterblue?
(a) Runs to find the captain.
(b) Tells them no one is allowed on board.
(c) Yells for the town guard.
(d) Allow them on board the ship he is on watch at.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who sends Po and the others supplies?

2. With whom does Katsa discuss Po?

3. Who is in the large room of the castle when they arrive?

4. Why does Po's horse fall into the water?

5. When do Po and Katsa plan to meet again?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do Katsa and Bitterblue do on the ship, why does Katsa have control of Po's castle, and what does Po's castle look like? How do Katsa and Bitterblue get to the castle?

2. What happens when Katsa and Bitterblue first arrive at Po's castle?

3. How are Po and Katsa reunited after his attempt on killing King Leck?

4. What is the weather like in the mountains where Katsa and Po are climbing, where do they sleep and what does Po remember about his time in the mountains with his family?

5. Why does Katsa begin to teach Bitterblue how to fight and what does she teach her? How does the ship crew help?

6. What is the route Katsa and Bitterblue take out of Monsea, why do they let the horse go and what does Katsa do with the saddle?

7. What does Po tell Katsa about his attempt on Leck?

8. How does Po begin to recover some of his self-confidence and where do he and Katsa go in the spring?

9. How does Katsa figure out that Po is blind, what does she do when she realizes it and what is Po's response?

10. Where does Katsa get aid when she gets out of the mountains, and what kind of aid does she receive?

(see the answer keys)

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