Grace Notes Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Bernard MacLaverty
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Grace Notes Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Bernard MacLaverty
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 2.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why was Liz shocked that Catherine had a child?
(a) She didn't know she was married.
(b) She knows it will impede her music career.
(c) She thought she was moving back home.
(d) She had never noticed she was pregnant.

2. Why does Catherine choose to conform when she is home?
(a) It is respectful.
(b) It is easier.
(c) It makes her feel better.
(d) It provides comfort.

3. What does Liz do to try and reassure Catherine about her performance?
(a) Wipes the tears from her face.
(b) Hugs her tight.
(c) Puts Catherine's head on her shoulder.
(d) Squeezes her arm.

4. What type of rhythm comes to Catherine as she thinks about celebration music?
(a) A sequence of highs and lows like life.
(b) The breathing and panting required in labor.
(c) A drum beat steady and true like a heart beat.
(d) Breathing rhythm in three-note sequence.

5. How does Catherine's mother want to walk home?
(a) Through the countryside.
(b) Through the woods.
(c) Through the graveyard.
(d) Through downtown.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Catherine and her mother go to meet her father at the train station when she was 11, what embarrassed her mother?

2. What does Catherine ask before she agrees to play the organ at the formal services for her father the next day?

3. Which of the following characters does Catherine realize died and received a military grave while she was in Scotland?

4. What kind of depression does Catherine confess to her mother she has?

5. What disease does Catherine suffer from?

(see the answer key)

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