The Government Inspector Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Government Inspector Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Anna say the Governor has never seen?
(a) Rich people.
(b) Decent people.
(c) Fun people.
(d) Pretty people.

2. Who says "sh-sh"?
(a) Anna.
(b) The Inspector General.
(c) Marya.
(d) The Governor.

3. What does Osip say they will gallop away like?
(a) Knights.
(b) A breeze.
(c) A hurricaine.
(d) Soldiers.

4. What part of Marya's clothing does Khlestakov say he longs to be?
(a) Her socks.
(b) Her panties.
(c) Her scarf.
(d) Her gloves.

5. What does Luka drop on the floor?
(a) A cigar.
(b) His sword.
(c) His coffee.
(d) A pen.

6. Who do the merchants say they suffer insults from?
(a) The Governor's wife.
(b) The Major.
(c) The Judge.
(d) The Governor.

7. Who does Marya say Khlestakov speaks like?
(a) A man from the capital.
(b) A cultured man.
(c) A dangerous man.
(d) A man from the city.

8. What does Luka say happens when an official speaks to him?
(a) He feels faint.
(b) He becomes hateful.
(c) He becomes tongue tied.
(d) He laughs.

9. What does the Governor call the merchants?
(a) Loners.
(b) Gangsters.
(c) Cheats.
(d) Blackards.

10. What does Marya say the Inspector General was talking about when he looked at her?
(a) Literature.
(b) Food.
(c) Music.
(d) Art.

11. Who does Klestakov say was a little shorter the previous day?
(a) The Judge.
(b) The Governor.
(c) Artemis.
(d) Luka.

12. What does Khlestakov ask Anna to choose between?
(a) Him and Marya.
(b) Life and death.
(c) Love and hate.
(d) Him and her husband.

13. What is the Judge holding in his hand?
(a) A bible.
(b) A sword.
(c) A revolver.
(d) A hat.

14. Who does the Governor call a damned pack of Jews?
(a) The police officers.
(b) The judges.
(c) The lawyers.
(d) The merchants.

15. What does Khlestakov offer Luka?
(a) A sweet.
(b) A cigarette.
(c) A drink.
(d) A cigar.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the Inspector General say Marya is not?

2. What does the Governor say it is evident the Inspector General is?

3. What does the Governor fill his house with if you contradict him?

4. What does the Postmaster say they should say has been sent to the Inspector General?

5. What does Khlestakov say he is burning with?

(see the answer keys)

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