Gorgias Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gorgias Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Socrates believe people with too much freedom become?
(a) Self-indulgent.
(b) Crazy.
(c) Compassionate.
(d) Gods.

2. How does Socrates believe the consequences of an ugly action should be measured by?
(a) The number of other ugly actions occurring.
(b) How wealthy the person is.
(c) The number of people harmed.
(d) The degree of ugliness.

3. What kind of a result does Socrates believe any action taken must intend to elicit?
(a) A self-indulgent result.
(b) An insignificant result.
(c) A good result.
(d) A short-term benefit.

4. What does Socrates say a rhetorician must have to persuade a physician?
(a) Courage.
(b) Support.
(c) Knowledge.
(d) Good looks.

5. What does Socrates say defining areas of art is similar to defining?
(a) Political parties.
(b) Generations.
(c) Likes and dislikes.
(d) Body and soul.

6. While acknowledging punishment is a negative action, Socrates regards it as what?
(a) Insignificant.
(b) Positive.
(c) Negative.
(d) Excessive.

7. What does Socrates specify makes advantageous actions not beneficial?
(a) When they are only short-term.
(b) When only a few people benefit.
(c) When they are achieved unjustly.
(d) When they are achieved uncreatively.

8. Chapter I states there can be false and true what?
(a) Stories.
(b) Arguments.
(c) Belief.
(d) Knowledge.

9. What subjects does Socrates specify rhetoricians have the ability to speak about?
(a) All subjects.
(b) Politics.
(c) Emotions.
(d) Science.

10. What does Socrates regard as the most damaging to one's soul?
(a) Malnourishment.
(b) Exposure to evil.
(c) Bad relationships.
(d) Unjust actions.

11. Gorgias classifies rhetoric is an art that deals with what?
(a) Religion.
(b) People.
(c) Thoughts.
(d) Words.

12. Why does Socrates believe wrongdoers who go unpunished are more wretched than the punished?
(a) Because committing injustice is worse than suffering.
(b) Because they have lost their humanity.
(c) Because they know they will go to Hades.
(d) Because they will be publicly shunned.

13. What does Socrates regard as better than being cured of sickness?
(a) Justice.
(b) Super powers.
(c) Never being sick at all.
(d) A good meal.

14. Why does Socrates regard rhetoric as a dangerous tool?
(a) Because rhetoric is a guise for something sinister.
(b) Because it only gives the appearance of being knowledgeable.
(c) Because so few hold the ability.
(d) Because rhetoricians are too well respected.

15. What description of rhetoric is Gorgias supposed to provide?
(a) Exaggerated.
(b) Promotional.
(c) Professional.
(d) Objective.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Socrates believe makes punishment beneficial?

2. Why does Socrates regard Gorgias' answers as useful?

3. Socrates believes to learn rhetoric, what must one also learn?

4. Gorgias believes the ability to do what has the most possibility for the greatest good?

5. What does Socrates believe rhetoricians and Sophists are confused with?

(see the answer keys)

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