Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet) Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Ann-Marie MacDonald
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet) Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Ann-Marie MacDonald
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Othello offer Constance?

2. Who does Constance resent playing?

3. What will heal Constance's mind?

4. From what can gold be derived?

5. Which battle of OTHELLO continues offstage?

Short Essay Questions

1. Is Constance successful in changing OTHELLO from a tragedy and what might this mean for the Gustav Manuscript?

2. Several times Constance bemoans the fact that there is no fool in either of Shakespeare's plays OTHELLO nor ROMEO AND JULIET. Who supplies the role of fool in this scene?

3. What happens as Constance is reading OTHELLO from her complete works of Shakespeare?

4. What happens in the second vignette of the Dumbshow and from where do you think this scene is derived?

5. How does Othello punish Iago and is the punishment fitting?

6. What is happening as Constance arrives in Verona and what does she do about it?

7. What happens in the scene with the pet turtle and how is this symbolic of Romeo and Juliet's relationship?

8. How does Othello reward Constance and how does his reward symbolically represent Constance's real life?

9. What effect does Constance's dramatic appearance in the middle of the argument between Mercutio and Romeo?

10. Describe the interaction between Desdemona and Constance after Othello has dragged Iago off the stage.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

In Act 4, Scene 4, Tybalt watches on in disgust while both Romeo and Juliet throw themselves at Constance, whom both believe at this point to be a boy. Answer the following questions in a well-developed essay using examples from the book as well as personal experience:

1. What do you think is the reason for Tybalt's disgust at the behavior of Romeo and Juliet? There are several possible reasons, so read this scene very carefully as well as Act 3, Scene 1 where Tybalt and Romeo first encounter Constance. Substantiate your stance with specific details from the text.

2. What do you think is the reason for the competition between Romeo and Juliet? Is it truly just because they are both smitten with Constance or is it an indication of underlying problems in their relationship which is just manifesting in this competition for Constance's affection? Elaborate on your ideas using specific examples from the text.

3. Juliet is just turning fourteen and Romeo is not much older than she. Is it reasonable to expect them to behave differently than they do? Which Romeo and Juliet are more believable--the two depicted in Shakespeare's play or the two depicted in Goodnight Desdemona?

Essay Topic 2

Homosexuality is a prominent theme in the Scenes that take place in Verona. Answer the following questions in a well-developed essay using examples from the book as well as personal experience:

1. Do you believe any of the characters in this play are actually homosexual? Who? Why do you believe so? If not, why not? Support your statements with specific detail from the text.

2. Do you believe this play is homophobic or accepting of homosexuality? Explain your statements with specific examples.

3. Would it make any difference as to how you interpret the homosexual theme if you knew that the author is a publicly self-proclaimed lesbian? How would that change the way you interpreted the homosexual overtones?

Essay Topic 3

GOODNIGHT DESDEMONA belongs to the genre of drama. Answer the following questions in a well-developed essay using examples from the book as well as personal experience:

1. What do you think is the definition of drama? Write out your definition and then look up the definition in a literary dictionary. How similar are the two definitions?

2. Drama is written with the intention that it will be performed. How do you think this influences the manner in which the plot unfolds, the dialogue, the set complexity, the number of characters, and the length?

3. Compare GOODNIGHT DESDEMONA to a short story. What are the differences? The similarities? Which do you enjoy reading the most?

(see the answer keys)

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