Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. How far back do they have to travel to get back to the dirt road?
2. What does O'Connor say happens to the Misfit's voice?
3. What does the Grandmother think about the driver?
4. What year does Misfit say his father died?
5. What does the cat jump onto?
Short Essay Questions
1. What importance does Baby have on the story?
2. Is it significant Misfit claims he cannot remember his crime?
3. In what way is it ironic that the Grandmother decided to take the cat on the trip?
4. Does O'Connor give Misfit some redeeming qualities?
5. What does it say about Grandmother that she cannot keep Misfit's name to herself?
6. What does Grandmother mean when she says that Misfit is one of her own children?
7. In what ways do the children show a lack of respect for their elders?
8. Do you think the family respects Grandmother?
9. Is it significant that the Misfit puts on Bailey's shirt?
10. What is the significance of John Wesley's name?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Critically examine the negative and positive points of A Good Man is Hard to Find. Is it an accurate portrayal of a fifties family? Does it have dramatic impact? Are the characters well drawn?
Essay Topic 2
O'Connor portrays the dynamics of a family in the fifties. What was the dynamics of a family in the fifties? How did it reflect life in the fifties? How is it different to families today?
Essay Topic 3
The Misfit has more of an affinity with women than he does with men. Using two examples from the book discuss the Misfit's relationship with women. Why do you think he mistrusts both men and children?
This section contains 706 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |