A Good Man Is Hard to Find Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Good Man Is Hard to Find Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What causes Grandmother's head to clear?
(a) She hears Bailey's voice
(b) She realizes she is a good person
(c) The Misfit looks like he is going to cry
(d) It always happens when she is nervous

2. Who does Grandmother offer to take care of?
(a) The baby
(b) The cat
(c) Bailey's wife
(d) Jane Star

3. What does the Misfit do when Grandmother touches him on the shoulder?
(a) Shoots her
(b) Hugs her
(c) Cries
(d) Kicks her in the shin

4. What does the Misfit apologize to the women about?
(a) For his body odour
(b) For not wearing a shirt
(c) For being a bad person
(d) For his gallows humor

5. Who does Grandma recognize the driver as?
(a) He first love
(b) He long lost son
(c) The Misfit
(d) That man off the TV

6. What does Grandmother tell Bailey hides behind trees?
(a) Bears
(b) Loose women
(c) Patrolmen
(d) Murderers

7. What does Red Sammy say about the Misfit?
(a) A good man is hard to find
(b) Once bad always bad
(c) He's got a viscious streak a mile long
(d) There is good in everyone

8. What does John Wesley tell his Grandma?
(a) She should stop watching so much television
(b) She should relax
(c) She should be quiet
(d) She should stay at home

9. What does Jane Star say when the restaurant owners wife asks her if she would to be her little girl?
(a) She would love to
(b) Could she eat at the restaurant everyday
(c) Her family abuses her
(d) She would never live in such a run down place

10. Where is the Misfit heading?
(a) New York
(b) California
(c) Florida
(d) Ohio

11. What does the Misfit do with the shirt?
(a) He tears it up
(b) He puts it on
(c) He throws it at Grandmother
(d) He ties it around his waist

12. Why are Misfit's eyes red rimmed, pale and defensive looking?
(a) He has sun burn
(b) He has been crying
(c) He is not wearing his glasses
(d) He has an eye disorder

13. What year was the story first published?
(a) 1980
(b) 1971
(c) 1962
(d) 1955

14. Where is the plantation Grandmother can remember?
(a) New York
(b) North Carolina
(c) Tennessee
(d) Kentucky

15. Where does the Grandmother hide her cat?
(a) In her pocket
(b) Under the front seat
(c) In a basket
(d) Up her jumper

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Grandmother remember visiting in the area when she was young?

2. Which of the family members are dead?

3. Why does Grandmother kick the valise?

4. What does the Grandmother scream as Bailey is being led away?

5. What does Grandmother say when the Misfit says only Jesus can raise the dead?

(see the answer keys)

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