Goodbye, Columbus Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Goodbye, Columbus Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How do Brenda and Neil begin to talk about their relationship?
(a) As a mismatch.
(b) As though it never happened.
(c) In the past tense.
(d) Out of fear.

2. What does Ron invite Neil to do?
(a) Play a game of basketball.
(b) Go to the club for a swim.
(c) Come to his room and listen to records.
(d) Go downstairs and have a drink.

3. What happens when Neil sees Brenda after so long a separation?
(a) He gets cold feet and wants to run.
(b) He does not like her bleached hair.
(c) He thinks she has gained weight.
(d) He does not recognize Brenda at first because she is letting her hair grow.

4. What has happened at Neil's job?
(a) He is in line to become head librarian.
(b) He has fallen into a dull routine.
(c) He has not gotten his promotion.
(d) He has become Reference Librarian.

5. What causes a commotion downstairs while Neil is unpacking for the weekend?
(a) Mrs. Patimkin is screaming at Carlotta for doing a bad job of shopping.
(b) Mrs. Patimkin is furious that Neil is staying over while she is palnning a wedding.
(c) Mrs. Patimkin is having a showdown with her husband over his secretary.
(d) Mrs. Patimkin is angry with Brenda because she never picks up her clothes.

6. Where do Neil and Brenda go after breakfast?
(a) They go shopping for a wedding gift.
(b) They go run on the high school track.
(c) They go to sporting goods store to buy Neil some sports outfits.
(d) They go fishing in a lake nearby.

7. What is on the record Ron suggests Neil listen to?
(a) The announcer at Ron's last basketball game.
(b) Frank Sinatra's greatest hits.
(c) The song, Good-bye Columbus.
(d) The Yale Glee club.

8. What does Brenda show Neil in the room just off of the guest room?
(a) Boxes and boxes of their old clothes that Mrs. Patimkin does not throw away.
(b) Their old furniture from when they lived in Newark.
(c) Shelves and shelves of shoes.
(d) A four posted bed ready for them to use.

9. What problem has arisen at the Patimkin house?
(a) Julie has fallen off a horse and is in the hospital.
(b) The house has been robbed while the family was out.
(c) Mrs. Patimkin was straightening up Brenda's clothing and found the diaphragm.
(d) Mr. Patimkin has had a heart attack.

10. What discussion do Mrs. Patimkin and Neil get into?
(a) Whether he is Jewish or Christian.
(b) Whether he attends a temple.
(c) Whether he had a bar mizpha.
(d) Whether he is an orthodox or conservative Jew.

11. What does Neil admit is the extent of his religious participation?
(a) He belongs to Hudson Street Synagogue, but he has not been active.
(b) He observes Jewish holidays sometimes.
(c) He goes to Hudson Street Synagogue every Sabbath.
(d) He is a practicing Buddhist.

12. What does Brenda want to do for Neil?
(a) She wants to help him get a better paying job.
(b) She wants to let him watch her shower.
(c) She wants to train him to run track.
(d) She wants to give him a new car.

13. When Brenda is modeling her bridesmaid dress, what does Harriet say to her?
(a) Harriet says that the skirt of the dress is too short.
(b) Harriet says that the color is all wrong.
(c) Harriet says that to wear that dress, Brenda will have to change her hair style.
(d) Harriet tells Brenda that she is beautiful and should be the bride.

14. What does Ron ask Neil if he would like to listen to?
(a) He asks Neil if he would like to listen to his talking mynah.
(b) He asks Neil if he would like to listen to his wedding speech.
(c) He asks Neil if he wants to listen to his phonograph.
(d) He asks Neil if he would like to listen to a family argument.

15. What happens with Brenda's father at the reception?
(a) He gets drunk and falls on his face.
(b) At the reception, Mr. Patimkin gets drunk and appears to accept Neil as Brenda's boyfriend.
(c) He starts callin Neil his second son.
(d) He refuses to dance with his wife.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Mrs. Patimkin conclude about Neil's religious leaning?

2. What is Brenda looking for in the room?

3. How does the reader know that Ron is a bit of a slob?

4. When the subject of contraception becomes an argument, how does Brenda react?

5. What happens to Neil inside the church?

(see the answer keys)

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