Goodbye, Columbus Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Goodbye, Columbus Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 155 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 8.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Mrs. Patimkin send Neil?
(a) She sends Neil to the airport to get Harriet's mother.
(b) Since she cannot go herself, she sends Neil to Newark.
(c) She sends Neil to pick up Julie from her riding class.
(d) She sends Neil to New York to bring back silverware patterns.

2. Where do Neil and Brenda go after breakfast?
(a) They go fishing in a lake nearby.
(b) They go shopping for a wedding gift.
(c) They go run on the high school track.
(d) They go to sporting goods store to buy Neil some sports outfits.

3. Why is Neil less class conscious than Brenda's family?
(a) Neil's family is politically important.
(b) He is well traveled and exposed to many types of people at his job.
(c) Neil was taught to respect people from the all classes.
(d) Neil is secure in his own superiority.

4. What does Neil find in the basement?
(a) A storage room.
(b) A playroom and a bar.
(c) A refrigerator full of beer.
(d) A ping pong table with a broken leg.

5. Who are the two main people in Neil's life outside of his family?
(a) The head librarian and Brenda.
(b) Aunt Gladys and Uncle Max.
(c) Ron and Harriet.
(d) Brenda and the little boy in the library.

Short Answer Questions

1. What excuse does Brenda make for her mother's behavior?

2. What is the weather like in Newark when Neil drives to the mountains to see the deer?

3. What does Mrs. Patimkin ask Neil if he wants to join?

4. After putting away their coats and suitcases in the hotel, what does Neil do?

5. What are some of the things they do together that summer?

(see the answer key)

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