Goodbye to All That Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Goodbye to All That Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does it mean to serially publish a book?
(a) Privately
(b) Without help
(c) Successively
(d) With support

2. How did Graves describe the enrollment at Oxford in October of 1919?
(a) Nearly deserted
(b) Surprisingly busy
(c) Complete
(d) Barren

3. In what year was Graves' second child born?
(a) 1923
(b) 1922
(c) 1925
(d) 1921

4. In what country did Graves live during World War II?
(a) Egypt
(b) Spain
(c) England
(d) United States

5. Who continues to live with Graves?
(a) His father
(b) Lawrence
(c) Nicholson
(d) Nichole

6. Which of the following characters was the principal medical officer in service at the Craiglockhart War Hospital?
(a) Cork
(b) Sassoon
(c) Rivers
(d) Owen

7. While in Cairo, what did Graves act as?
(a) Commander of the University
(b) President of the University
(c) Dean of Students
(d) Examiner for the diploma class of the Higher Training College

8. Who does Graves routinely help out?
(a) Homeless ex-soldiers
(b) Struggling writers
(c) Tutoring students
(d) Drug addicts

9. What was Sassoon treated for at Craiglockhart War Hospital?
(a) Bullet wounds
(b) Neurasthenia
(c) Insanity
(d) Pneumonia

10. Sassoon's political views could best be described as?
(a) Unnamed
(b) Liberal
(c) Erratic
(d) Conservative

11. Which genre did Graves write the most poetry in?
(a) Fantasy
(b) Poetry
(c) Fiction
(d) Nonfiction

12. How did Graves describe a proposed assault that was called off?
(a) Well laid out
(b) A mistake
(c) Suicide
(d) Good planning

13. What present day term is equivalent to what Graves refers to as neurasthenia and illusion?
(a) PSTD
(b) Shell-shock with flashbacks
(c) Insomina
(d) Schizophrenia

14. How long did Graves go untreated?
(a) 24 hours
(b) 12 hours
(c) 3 days
(d) 2 days

15. Where did the ship stop on the way to Egypt?
(a) Italy
(b) Sicily
(c) Greece
(d) Gibraltar

Short Answer Questions

1. What group recruited Sassoon into its cause?

2. Socially, England became anti which nationality?

3. What would the students who passed the examination go on to do?

4. How did Graves consider the war?

5. What did Graves and Sassoon spend many hours together doing?

(see the answer keys)

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