Goodbye to All That Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Goodbye to All That Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following best describes Graves' skills at sports?
(a) Exceling
(b) Average
(c) Uninformed
(d) Inept

2. How did Graves' unit travel?
(a) Foot only
(b) Train only
(c) Train and foot
(d) Truck, train and foot

3. Why were Graves' clothing and possessions considered second-rate?
(a) His parents did not provide pocket money
(b) Graves kept money for other things he wanted to do rather than to buy clothing
(c) Graves did not care about his appearance
(d) His parents were not wealthy

4. What position did Graves hold during his final year at Charterhouse?
(a) Assistant Teacher
(b) Assistant editor
(c) Instructor
(d) Writer

5. What new so-called accessory was planned to be released upon the German lines?
(a) Uniform discharges
(b) Chlorine gas
(c) Grenades
(d) Trench rifles

6. Where was Graves dispatched to join a unit destined for combat in France?
(a) Lancaster
(b) Wrexham
(c) Welch
(d) Fusiliers

7. How many pre-1888 regiments did the Royal Welch Fusiliers hold?
(a) 5
(b) 3
(c) 2
(d) 4

8. Which of the following best defines the term untoward when used to describe Jack Graves' school chum?
(a) Inappropriate
(b) Disadvantagous
(c) Unlucky
(d) Pessimistic

9. Which disease did Graves believe resulted mostly from low morale?
(a) Suicide
(b) Trench feet
(c) Alcoholism
(d) Neurathenia

10. Which terms best describe the type of men which made up the Welsh Regiment?
(a) Independent thinkers
(b) Objective
(c) Irrationale
(d) Desired to be commanded

11. How many days did it take Graves to travel 17 miles when he was transferred?
(a) 2 months
(b) 1 day
(c) 1 week
(d) 2 days

12. In what sport did Graves win a first place prize?
(a) None
(b) Cricket
(c) Boxing
(d) Football

13. How did Graves describe the religious feeling among the soldiers?
(a) Slipping, but still present
(b) Surprisingly resilient
(c) Non-existent
(d) Rampant

14. How long was Graves in Harfleur 'Bull Ring'?
(a) 4 weeks
(b) 5 weeks
(c) 10 weeks
(d) 8 weeks

15. What happened to nearly all of Graves' relatives who fought in the German armed forces?
(a) Went AWOL
(b) Killed in action
(c) Were war heros
(d) Defected to England

Short Answer Questions

1. What did the officers discuss that were purported to have been committed by specific units or nationalities?

2. What were the English soldiers given during the summer of 1915?

3. Which of the following people did Graves meet during his final year in school who was also a famous mountaineer?

4. Which of the following did Graves use to describe death during the summer of 1915?

5. What were the English exultant to receive their first shipment of?

(see the answer keys)

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