Good Omens Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Good Omens Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do the Four Horsemen get past the guards and onto the base?

2. How far is the Four Horsemen's meeting place from Tadfield?

3. Where is the International Express delivery on the last day of the world made?

4. When Anathema tells Newt that Agnes predicted the end of the world, how much time is the world supposed to have left?

5. When the dreamer awakens and hears Madame Tracy talking with someone in the kitchen, who is Madame Tracy talking to?

Short Essay Questions

1. While working with Shadwell, what piece of information does Newt never learn?

2. On Sunday after the showdown at the air base, Anathema is shattered. Why?

3. What does Adam tell the Them that they will need to have once they enter the air base?

4. What advice does Adam give to the Metatron?

5. Adam and the Them continue past Tyler to the air base, but the Them do not take the same route as the Four Horsemen take. Why not?

6. Why are the four Hell's Angels not mentioned in the Book of Revelations?

7. As the Four Horsemen approach Tadfield, why are there four additional bikers following them?

8. The Hell's Angels in the cafe go over to the Four Horsemen to question if they are real Hell's Angels. In doing so, Big Ted mentions the one main thing that Hell's Angels can't abide. What is that one thing?

9. Why have neither Crowley's people nor Arizaphale's people made contact with these two?

10. After the Armageddon is thwarted, Anathema's future will now be unique for her. What makes Anathema's future unique now for her?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Sister Mary was the nun in charge of making the baby switch that fateful night.

a. When Crowley runs into Sister Mary eleven years later, what name is she going by?

b. Where does Crowley meet this woman?

c. Compare and contrast the Sister Mary character with the character she has become eleven years later.

Essay Topic 2

When Adam and Eve are banished from the Garden of Eden, their departure has significant consequences on many levels. Please discuss what these consequences are, which characters are affected, and which character is most prominently affected. How is that character's life changed?

Essay Topic 3

On the night that the Antichrist is born, there is a slight mix-up at the hospital that has potential world-changing implications. Please describe why the switch was unsuccessful, what could have been done differently to assure that it was successful, and how the story would be different if the switch had been successful.

(see the answer keys)

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