Good Omens Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Good Omens Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the end of the story, who meets in St. James' Park?
(a) Pepper and Brian.
(b) Arizaphale and Crowley.
(c) Newt and Shadwell.
(d) Adam and Anathema.

2. What is unique about the last day of the world?
(a) The sky is redder than blood.
(b) It is a Tuesday.
(c) The sun never rises.
(d) The wind is hurricane strength.

3. When Pestilence retired in 1936, who took his place in the Four Horsemen?
(a) Famine.
(b) Pollution.
(c) Drought.
(d) Disease.

4. How does Crowley gain entrance to the air base?
(a) Crowley asks the guard nicely.
(b) Crowley taps his fingers and the gate rises.
(c) Crowley kills the guard.
(d) Crowley hypnotizes the guard.

5. When a van is approved and waved through the gates onto the air base, the van drives to the tarmac. What does the van driver do?
(a) Erases the guards' memories.
(b) Picks up the crown and scales.
(c) Kills Crowley and Arizaphale.
(d) Fixes the damage done earlier to the base.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Adam looks at Jasmine Cottage the morning after Armageddon was supposed to occur, what does Adam see?

2. How was Sergeant Deisenburger wounded in Vietnam?

3. When the dreamer awakens and hears Madame Tracy talking with someone in the kitchen, who is Madame Tracy talking to?

4. While sitting in her house, what belief does Anathema deny the existence of?

5. Who shows up to the air base as everyone else is rushing to get away from the air base?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does no one say anything as the Four Horsemen parade through the air base?

2. According to Anathema, why is Agnes the worst prophetess that ever lived?

3. The Chairman of the Lower Tadfield Resident's Association sees the world in black and white. What does he feel is his duty in regard to his moral conviction?

4. What is the Metatron's reasoning for why Armageddon should happen?

5. While working with Shadwell, what piece of information does Newt never learn?

6. What does Adam confess to the Metatron that he just doesn't understand?

7. According to the Metatron, what is the point of Armageddon?

8. Adam and the Them continue past Tyler to the air base, but the Them do not take the same route as the Four Horsemen take. Why not?

9. Why do the Witchfinders carry pins?

10. When the Four Horsemen finally meet up with each other, what does the anticipation of finally getting Armageddon underway feel like to them?

(see the answer keys)

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