Good Omens Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Good Omens Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What are Arizaphale and Crowley waiting for at the birthday party?
(a) The presents to be opened.
(b) The hell hound to arrive.
(c) The cake to be cut.
(d) The hand of God to move.

2. Which of the four friends in the gang looks like one big freckle with occasional patches of skin showing through?
(a) Adam.
(b) Brian.
(c) Wensley.
(d) Pepper.

3. What is the serpent?
(a) A demon.
(b) A god.
(c) An animal.
(d) An angel.

4. What are God's mysterious ways likened to?
(a) An organized calendar.
(b) A road map.
(c) A poker game.
(d) A roulette wheel spin.

5. Why do Arizaphale and Crowley decide to help influence the Antichrist?
(a) Because they always wanted to be parents.
(b) Because they don't like the child's parents.
(c) So Hell will have to start all over again.
(d) Because whoever wins the child wins the war.

Short Answer Questions

1. Arizaphale and Crowley discuss the loss of the Antichrist. When do they figure the mistake was made?

2. Other than Adam's gang, what is the name of the village's only other gang?

3. What was the sole purpose for the existence of the Order of Chattering Nuns eleven years earlier?

4. According to Wensley, why are there no more witches?

5. What do Arizaphale and Crowley realize when it gets late at the Warlock's party?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Anathema find unique about Adam?

2. What is unique about Sable's best-selling book?

3. What are the instructions given to Crawley?

4. When people first meet Arizaphale, what are the three things they immediately think about him?

5. Name two of the five business mantras that Mary Hodges taught in her training program.

6. Why were Arizaphale and Crowley fired upon when they reached Tadfield Manor?

7. What is supposed to happen on the Antichrist's eleventh birthday?

8. Crowley loves his car. What is one of the perks of being a demon in regards to his car?

9. Why does the location of the forbidden tree puzzle Crawley?

10. Crowley used to be an angel. What happened?

(see the answer keys)

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