Good Omens Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Good Omens Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. While sitting in her house, what belief does Anathema deny the existence of?
(a) Evil.
(b) Love.
(c) Fate.
(d) Good.

2. When the dreamer awakens and hears Madame Tracy talking with someone in the kitchen, who is Madame Tracy talking to?
(a) Adam.
(b) Shadwell.
(c) Arizaphale.
(d) Crowley.

3. When Crowley arrives at the air base gate, who does Crowley run into?
(a) Anathema and Newt.
(b) Adam and the Them.
(c) Shadwell and Madame Tracy.
(d) The Four Horsemen.

4. When Pepper, Wensley, and Brian show up at Adam's house the morning after Armageddon was supposed to occur, where do the three friends invite Adam to go?
(a) To the quarry.
(b) To the library.
(c) To watch the circus being set up.
(d) To the air base to watch the clean up.

5. What is Mr. Baddicombe's occupation?
(a) Mr. Baddicombe is a doctor.
(b) Mr. Baddicombe is an investigator.
(c) Mr. Baddicombe is a witchfinder.
(d) Mr. Baddicombe is a lawyer.

6. Who appears out of a hole in Anathema's lawn?
(a) Two Tibetans.
(b) Two soldiers.
(c) Two angels.
(d) Two demons.

7. What is written on the back of the Four Horsemen's jackets?
(a) Death on Wheels.
(b) Four Horsemen.
(c) Hell's Angels.
(d) Devil's Demons.

8. After the Metatron and Beezlebub leave the air base, who is the first person to break the silence?
(a) Adam.
(b) Arizaphale.
(c) Crowley.
(d) Madame Tracy.

9. What does Sergeant Deisenburger guard?
(a) The scales of justice.
(b) The main gate at the air base.
(c) The air base's communications system.
(d) The air base's computer system.

10. While waiting for his companions to join him in the quarry, the Them ask Adam what part of the world Adam will control. What is Adam's answer?
(a) Antarctica.
(b) Australia.
(c) Germany.
(d) Tadfield.

11. What are the names of the Four Horsemen?
(a) War, Disease, Pollution, Famine.
(b) Famine, Death, Drought, Disease.
(c) Pollution, Famine, Death, War.
(d) War, Drought, Famine, Disease.

12. How does Crowley gain entrance to the air base?
(a) Crowley asks the guard nicely.
(b) Crowley hypnotizes the guard.
(c) Crowley taps his fingers and the gate rises.
(d) Crowley kills the guard.

13. What uniform is the van driver wearing?
(a) DHL.
(b) International Express.
(c) UPS.
(d) Federal Express.

14. How do the Four Horsemen get past the road block on M6?
(a) The Four Horsemen make the road block disappear.
(b) The Four Horsemen knock the road block over.
(c) The Four Horsemen fly over the road block.
(d) The Four Horsemen kill the police officers.

15. As the two are eating lunch, what do Arizaphale and Crowley notice for the first time in as long as they can remember?
(a) No one is fighting.
(b) A nightingale is singing.
(c) Children are laughing.
(d) A cat and dog are playing.

Short Answer Questions

1. While Adam and the Them are waiting out the storm in the quarry, what is the dog thinking he's going to miss when the dog returns to Hell?

2. When Anathema tells Newt that Agnes predicted the end of the world, how much time is the world supposed to have left?

3. How do Adam and the Them get to the air base?

4. What is odd about Madame Tracy's conversation in the kitchen?

5. What does Shadwell learn in Madame Tracy's kitchen?

(see the answer keys)

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