Good Night, Mr. Tom Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 185 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Good Night, Mr. Tom Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 185 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Willie learn from talking to Zach's spirit?
(a) That he cannot live without Zach.
(b) That Zach is gone forever.
(c) That Willie is now a whole person.
(d) That God is good.

2. Why can't Robert play the role of Scrooge?
(a) His mother does not want him to.
(b) He has become ill.
(c) He can't memorize the lines.
(d) He is sent back to London.

3. In March, Tom gets a letter from Willie's mother. What does it say?
(a) She wants Willie home because the war is over.
(b) She wants Willie to stay with Tom because she can't care for him.
(c) She wants Willie home because she is sick.
(d) She wants Willie to stay with Tom because the bombing is worse.

4. What part does Willie decide to take in the play?
(a) Captain Hook.
(b) A lost boy.
(c) Mr. Smee.
(d) Peter Pan.

5. What does Willie decide about the play?
(a) He will quit.
(b) He will play the role of Scrooge.
(c) He will continue doing what he has been doing.
(d) He will play the role of Bob Crachit.

6. Where does Willie's mother put him after she beats him?
(a) In his bedroom.
(b) Under the stairs in a closet.
(c) Locked in the kitchen.
(d) Tied to a chair.

7. What does Willie discover about his mother in Chapter 18, "Recovery"?
(a) She is a liar.
(b) She is a bad person.
(c) She has run away.
(d) She is dead.

8. What is Zach fixing during the whole of Chapter 18, "Recovery"?
(a) A fence for Mrs. Little's garden.
(b) A carriage for Mrs. Hartridge.
(c) An easel for Willie.
(d) A bike for himself.

9. What is celebrated on September 7th, 1940?
(a) Zach's birthday.
(b) D-day.
(c) Tom's birthday.
(d) Willie's birthday.

10. What is Spooky Cott?
(a) An old school house.
(b) Mrs. Hartridge's home.
(c) A "haunted" cottage.
(d) A cat.

11. What does Zach give to Willie when Zach packs to leave for London?
(a) A picture of the two boys.
(b) A photograph of Zach's father.
(c) A copy of Tom Sawyer.
(d) A copy of Shakespeare's works.

12. What is Willie able to do in the water almost immediately.
(a) Breaststroke.
(b) Float.
(c) Dive.
(d) Backstroke.

13. Why does Mrs. Beech beat Willie?
(a) Because he stole.
(b) Because he had presents for her.
(c) Because he talked back to her.
(d) Because he has a Jewish friend.

14. How does Zach die?
(a) His bus is blown up.
(b) Blitzes in London.
(c) In a fire.
(d) A train crash on his way to London.

15. How do Tom, Zach, and Willie travel to the fishing village?
(a) By bicycle.
(b) By boat.
(c) By cart.
(d) By train.

Short Answer Questions

1. What news is Carrie waiting impatiently at the gate to give Zach after his return from the sea?

2. In the beginning of Chapter 18, "The Recovery," what does Tom recommend Willie do after his nightmare?

3. What surprise is awaiting Willie when he returns to his house in London?

4. What do Geoffrey and Miss Thorne decide on for their first lesson?

5. What does Willie paint on his first day in Mrs. Hartridge's class?

(see the answer keys)

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