Good Night, Irene Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Good Night, Irene Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is a commandment for the Rapid City?
(a) “Get used to bad news.”
(b) “Don’t be afraid.”
(c) “Party.”
(d) “Don’t look back.”

2. On which of the following Clubmobiles did the author’s mother serve?
(a) Cahokia.
(b) Comanche.
(c) Caddo.
(d) Cheyenne.

3. What rank does Garcia hold?
(a) Private.
(b) Private first class.
(c) Corporal.
(d) Specialist.

4. With whom of the following did the author’s mother serve?
(a) Guenevere Donaldson.
(b) Camilla Benson.
(c) Helen Anderson.
(d) Lavinia Carlson.

5. With whom of the following did the author’s mother serve?
(a) Jane Fredericks Althaus.
(b) Jill Pitts Knappenberger.
(c) Jennifer Harris Gruene.
(d) Julie Platts Montrose.

6. To which of the following groups is the Rapid City assigned?
(a) F.
(b) D.
(c) E.
(d) C.

7. From which of the following is one of the novel’s epigraphs taken?
(a) The Clubmobile.
(b) The Batmobile.
(c) The Helpmobile.
(d) The Bookmobile.

8. Which of the following songs does the Rapid City have in its collection?
(a) “In a Sentimental Mood.”
(b) “It Don’t Mean a Thing if It Ain’t Got That Swing.”
(c) “Isn’t It Romantic?”
(d) “It Had to Be You.”

9. Which of the following is the first English city Irene reaches?
(a) London.
(b) Liverpool.
(c) Lincoln.
(d) Lichfield.

10. Which of the following awards does Irene note on the soldier who sits with her on the train out of New York?
(a) Good Conduct Medal.
(b) Kearney Cross.
(c) Medal of Honor.
(d) Purple Heart.

11. With what perfume was the Dear John letter to the captain from San Francisco scented?
(a) Shalimar.
(b) Aventus.
(c) Baccarat Rouge 540.
(d) Chanel No. 5.

12. From which of the following does the Red Cross stage service to Brest?
(a) Matignon.
(b) Mespaul.
(c) Mont Saint-Michel.
(d) Morlaix.

13. Which of the following magazines does Irene carry out of New York?
(a) Cosmopolitan.
(b) US News & World Report.
(c) Vogue.
(d) People.

14. To whom of the following is the novel dedicated?
(a) Tiana.
(b) Aurora.
(c) Cinderella.
(d) Belle.

15. Which of the following does Smitty impersonate in the talent show?
(a) Tojo.
(b) Hitler.
(c) Stalin.
(d) Mussolini.

Short Answer Questions

1. Irene serves a soldier from which of the following in her first Clubmobile service?

2. On which of the following avenues does Irene’s mother have an antique store?

3. What instrument does Handyman play?

4. To which of the following groups are Irene and Dorothy attached in Glatton?

5. In what year did the Clubmobile Corps begin?

(see the answer keys)

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