Good Girl's Guide to Murder Test | Final Test - Medium

Holly Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 248 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Good Girl's Guide to Murder Test | Final Test - Medium

Holly Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 248 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What makes the noise that Pip and Ravi hear upstairs when they first enter the Bell house?
(a) A broom falling over.
(b) Becca.
(c) A cat.
(d) A television.

2. What makes Pip suspicious of Mr. Ward's tutoring?
(a) She has never met anyone he has tutored.
(b) He does not need the money.
(c) When he comes home from tutoring, he is always in a strange mood.
(d) He does not seem to do it at the school.

3. What question does Pip call Max Hastings to ask him in Chapter Forty-Seven?
(a) Whether Becca knew that Andie sold drugs.
(b) Whether Becca knew about the hit-and-run.
(c) Whether he raped Becca at a calamity party.
(d) Whether Becca asked him to move Andie's car that night.

4. In Chapter Thirty-Six, what do Cara and Lauren bring with them when they visit after school?
(a) Pip's homework.
(b) Cookies.
(c) A spare laptop.
(d) Lauren's family's dog.

5. What further evidence of Pip's neglecting her friendships is given in Chapter Twenty-Five?
(a) She does not even realize that Lauren is away on vacation.
(b) She skips Ant's soccer game.
(c) She forgets about Zach's debate match.
(d) She fails to ask Cara about her new crush.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter Twenty-Six, what does Pip's mother ask her when she finds her still in bed at one o'clock in the afternoon?

2. What do Pip and Josh plan to plant on Barney's grave?

3. What does Pip tell Becca about Andie that Becca has a hard time accepting?

4. What does Pip find unusual about the photos that Max, Naomi, and Millie posted from the night of Andie's disappearance?

5. What does Pip ask Cara several questions about in Chapter Forty?

Short Essay Questions

1. Whom does Pip run into unexpectedly at the high school in Chapter Thirty, and what clue does Pip miss during their conversation?

2. In Chapter Forty-Six, how does Pip let Cara know what has happened, and how does Cara respond?

3. What does Pip discover on her laptop when she comes home in Chapter Twenty-Nine, and how does she react?

4. What does the woman at Ivy House tell Pip and Ravi about Andie, and what does her grandson say is probably the truth?

5. In Chapter Thirty-Six, why does Pip tell Ravi she is done investigating, and how does he react?

6. What message about its own behavior does Pip want the town of Fairview to take away from her presentation?

7. When Pip sees Becca at the newspaper office, what story is Becca working on, and what is her personal interest in it?

8. What is ironic about the podcast that Pip listens to in Chapter Thirty-Three?

9. In Chapter Thirty-Nine, what does Pip discover about Naomi's SIM card, and how does she confirm the suspicions this information arouses?

10. At the end of Chapter Twenty-Five, what causes Pip to suddenly wake up?

(see the answer keys)

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