Good Girl, Bad Blood Test | Final Test - Medium

Holly Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 238 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Good Girl, Bad Blood Test | Final Test - Medium

Holly Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 238 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Jamie lie about in his Tinder profile?
(a) His age, his marital status, and his height.
(b) His age, living arrangements, and his marital status.
(c) His age, his height, and his occupation.
(d) His age, his occupation, and his living arrangements.

2. What did Mr. Clark notice about Layla's conversations with him?
(a) She asked a lot of personal questions but did not answer many.
(b) She did not seem to know very much about HR, the job she supposedly did.
(c) Some of her comments made him wonder if she really lived in Fairview.
(d) She used slang that made her sound much older than twenty-five.

3. What does Jamie's password turn out to be?
(a) His nickname for his mother plus the name of his first dog.
(b) A word made of both his name and Joanna's name.
(c) His nickname for his mother plus the year of her birth.
(d) A word made by combining his nicknames for each of his family members.

4. In Chapter Thirty-Four, what does Natalie tell Pip she was right about?
(a) Luke is involved in several illegal activities, including drugs.
(b) Luke does not care about Natalie as much as she cares about him.
(c) Luke was not home by himself all night on the Friday when Jamie disappeared.
(d) Luke always hated Jamie, and he might be involved in Jamie's disappearance.

5. Because Pip knows that Jamie might have been at Nat's house at 10:50 p.m. on Friday, what does she suspect Arthur might be hiding from his family?
(a) She suspects that Arthur may have been in contact with Luke.
(b) She suspects that Jamie told Arthur what he found out about Layla.
(c) She suspects that Jamie told Arthur something about Nat.
(d) She suspects that Arthur saw Jamie on Friday night.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Cara react when Connor makes a comment about his father not being a killer?

2. Whom does Pip apologize to at the end of Chapter Thirty-Three?

3. What do Pip and Ravi plan to do on Wednesday night?

4. When Pip's mother tells her "This isn't like you," on page 300, what does Pip reply?

5. What news does Ravi call with after Pip leaves Natalie's?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Pip believe da Silva is lying about, and what are two possible explanations that she thinks of?

2. What illegal action does Pip take in Chapter Thirty-Three as a result of the acquittal of Max Hastings?

3. What is in the screenshots that Natalie da Silva shows Pip in Chapter Thirty-Four?

4. Based on their research in Chapter Thirty-Seven, how do Pip, Connor, and Ravi think Layla got the idea that the man she was looking for lives in Fairview?

5. For what two reasons is Pip's car accident especially upsetting to her?

6. When Pip talks with Charlie in Chapter Thirty-Two, what does she realize about the sick feeling she has been carrying around in her stomach for months?

7. In Chapter Twenty-One, what does the juxtaposition of Cara's tiredness with Pip's thoughts about Ant's treatment of Connor suggest?

8. When she is talking to her parents Thursday afternoon, how does Pip explain how Ant provoked her?

9. When Pip is walking to meet Cara in the hallway outside her English class on Thursday, why does she think people are whispering about her, and what turns out to be the real reason for their gossiping?

10. What does Charlie show Pip and Ravi in Chapter Nineteen?

(see the answer keys)

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