Good Girl, Bad Blood Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Holly Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 238 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Good Girl, Bad Blood Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Holly Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 238 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the purpose of the two photographs on page 150?
(a) To show that there is a missing knife.
(b) To show the direction that Jamie was looking at the memorial.
(c) To show the direction that Jamie was looking at the party.
(d) To show how Jamie looked before and after losing his job.

2. What is the best description of Connor's demeanor when he and Pip talk to Stella?
(a) Charming.
(b) Intimidating.
(c) Desperate.
(d) Embarrassed.

3. What does the exposition in Chapter Seventeen reveal about Pip's personality?
(a) Her wild imagination has not changed much over the years.
(b) As a child, she did not really enjoy reading.
(c) When she was younger, she wanted to work in a book store.
(d) She has always been interested in crime.

4. How did Pip end up in the hospital during her previous investigation?
(a) She was pushed into an icy river.
(b) She was given an overdose of drugs.
(c) She was hit in the head.
(d) She had a panic attack.

5. Who do Cara and Naomi currently live with?
(a) They live on their own, since Naomi is a legal adult.
(b) Their grandparents.
(c) A foster family.
(d) An aunt and uncle.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Harry Scythe say he saw Jamie on Friday night?

2. Who are the two people who refused to sign releases for Pip's podcast?

3. What detail do the employees disagree about?

4. What does Pip do with Cara until Cara can fall asleep?

5. In Chapter One, why can Pip not attend most of Max Hastings's trial?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the main point of the introduction that Pip records for season 2 of her podcast?

2. What clues about Luke Eaton's occupation does Jackson give the reader in Chapter Ten?

3. What does Pip eventually title her podcast, and whose idea was this title?

4. Why is Pip irritated to see Stanley Forbes at the memorial service, and what does Ravi point out about this?

5. What is odd about the way the Fairview Mail reporter responds when Pip calls his name, and how does his co-worker explain this response?

6. What does Pip want to be sure that Joanna and Connor understand before they start the investigation?

7. At the beginning of Chapter Two, what task does Pip struggle with, and how does it show how her previous investigation changed her?

8. In Chapter One, what has Josh gotten into trouble at school for doing, and what is Pip's mother's reaction?

9. What does Pip find in the drawer of Jamie's bedside table, and why is it so puzzling?

10. What photo of Jamie does Joanna ask to see in Chapter Fifteen, and what does opening this photo cause Pip to realize?

(see the answer keys)

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