Good Girl, Bad Blood Test | Final Test - Easy

Holly Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 238 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Good Girl, Bad Blood Test | Final Test - Easy

Holly Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 238 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Mr. Clark notice about Layla's conversations with him?
(a) She used slang that made her sound much older than twenty-five.
(b) Some of her comments made him wonder if she really lived in Fairview.
(c) She did not seem to know very much about HR, the job she supposedly did.
(d) She asked a lot of personal questions but did not answer many.

2. What app do Pip, Ravi, and Connor first find Layla on?
(a) Twitter.
(b) Facebook.
(c) Tinder.
(d) Instagram.

3. What does Pip discover Jamie was searching for information about on the internet on the day of his birthday?
(a) How to fight.
(b) How to sell stolen property.
(c) How to break into a house.
(d) How to spot a catfish.

4. What happens to Pip as a result of her assaulting Ant?
(a) She is suspended from school.
(b) She is expelled from school.
(c) Her parents ground her.
(d) Ant's parents decide to press charges.

5. When Pip is at lunch on Thursday, which friends does she criticize for not supporting Connor?
(a) Zach and Cara.
(b) Ant and Lauren.
(c) Cara and Ant.
(d) Lauren and Zach.

6. What is the piece of evidence that Cara's team finds?
(a) A cell phone.
(b) A Fitbit.
(c) A black hoodie.
(d) A knife.

7. What reason does Pip give for da Silva and Clark not being good candidates for the man Layla is looking for in Fairview?
(a) Their ages.
(b) Their physical descriptions.
(c) Their professions.
(d) The length of time they have lived in Fairview.

8. What strange feeling does Pip have as she walks down Chalk Road after leaving Natalie's?
(a) Someone is watching her.
(b) She has been here and done this before.
(c) Layla Mead is nearby.
(d) Something bad is about to happen.

9. What lie does Pip tell her mother at the beginning of Chapter Thirty-Four?
(a) That she is thinking of giving up the investigation.
(b) That she is sorry about getting suspended.
(c) That she has plans to spend the day studying with Ravi.
(d) That she does not care about Max's acquittal.

10. What news does Ravi call with after Pip leaves Natalie's?
(a) The verdict in Max Hastings's trial will be delayed.
(b) Max Hastings has been found not guilty.
(c) Max Hastings has tried to escape.
(d) Max Hastings has decided to appeal his case.

11. What is it implied that Natalie understands about Pip for the first time in Chapter Thirty-Four?
(a) Pip cares passionately about Max's victims.
(b) Pip is the kind of person who can get things done.
(c) Pip cares about the truth more than anything.
(d) Pip is more perceptive than most people.

12. On page 231, what search phrase that Jamie used makes Pip think of one of the Reynoldses?
(a) "Being smothered by mother."
(b) "Controlling fathers."
(c) "Always comparing siblings."
(d) "Parent hates me."

13. Why does Pip need to take Jamie's laptop home to finish searching it?
(a) She does not want Joanna and Connor to see her search results.
(b) She needs some information from the case notes still at her house.
(c) She wants to do a live podcast recording of her search.
(d) She has already stayed out past her curfew.

14. Whom do Pip and Ravi see in the cemetery?
(a) Max Hastings.
(b) Stanley Forbes.
(c) Naomi Ward.
(d) Detective Hawkins.

15. Who is Charlie Green?
(a) An assistant in Josh's classroom.
(b) A member of Connor's soccer team.
(c) Pip's new neighbor.
(d) A student in Mr. Clark's class.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom does Pip apologize to at the end of Chapter Thirty-Three?

2. Where is Pip at the beginning of Chapter Thirty-Three?

3. What seemed to be happening between Howie and Stanley when Pip saw them together in October of the previous year?

4. What do Ravi and Pip conclude from Luke's story about seeing Jamie on Friday night?

5. What was the last thing that Mr. Clark told Layla before she broke off communication with him?

(see the answer keys)

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