Good Girl, Bad Blood Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Holly Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 238 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Good Girl, Bad Blood Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Holly Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 238 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 5: "Tuesday: 4 Days Missing," Chapter Twenty-Four through "Thursday: 6 Days Missing," Chapter Twenty-Nine.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Pip need to take Jamie's laptop home to finish searching it?
(a) She wants to do a live podcast recording of her search.
(b) She has already stayed out past her curfew.
(c) She does not want Joanna and Connor to see her search results.
(d) She needs some information from the case notes still at her house.

2. Where does Tom say that he saw Jamie?
(a) At the calamity party.
(b) At Nat da Silva's house.
(c) On Weevil Road.
(d) Near the Greens' house.

3. What does Connor not want Pip to tell his mother?
(a) Jamie has been talking about moving away.
(b) Jamie and his father argued on Friday.
(c) Jamie physically threatened Connor.
(d) Jamie has been sneaking out at night.

4. Where was Jamie headed when George last saw him?
(a) Toward Barrows Wood.
(b) Toward the town commons.
(c) Toward Luke Eaton's house.
(d) Toward Main Street.

5. How much time elapsed between when Jamie left the party and when the bookstore employees say they saw him on Weevil Road?
(a) About thirty minutes.
(b) About three hours.
(c) About ten minutes.
(d) About an hour.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Joanna excuses herself for a few minutes in Chapter Fifteen, what does Connor say is the truth about where she is going?

2. When Pip cannot decide what to do about Jamie's case at the end of Chapter Six, whom does she call?

3. Who has Pip previously heard has lost the exact amount of money that Jamie asked to borrow?

4. About what time do the bookstore employees claim to have seen Jamie?

5. What word best describes Jamie's bedroom?

(see the answer key)

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