The Golden Notebook Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Golden Notebook Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Free Women: 4.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is disturbed by Tommy's actions in Free Women: 2?
(a) Molly.
(b) Marion.
(c) Anna.
(d) Richard.

2. Where does Ella go after her break from her boyfriend?
(a) London.
(b) Paris.
(c) Africa.
(d) Australia.

3. Where hasn't Tommy come home from in Free Women: 2?
(a) Molly's.
(b) Anna's.
(c) Richard's.
(d) Janet's.

4. Why was Tommy's bedroom relocated?
(a) So Richard wouldn't have to see him.
(b) So he didn't have to use the stairs.
(c) So Molly wouldn't be reminded of him.
(d) So he didn't fight with Anna.

5. How is the structure of this book often described?
(a) Moderately easy reading.
(b) Confusing.
(c) Complex.
(d) Easy reading.

Short Answer Questions

1. What party is Molly considering leaving in 'Red Notebook'?

2. Does Molly ever send those pages of the red notebook?

3. Whom was Max married to?

4. What is Anna's sarcastic suggestion for the movie at her lunch meeting?

5. What does Anna realize about her novel in the black notebook and its readers?

(see the answer key)

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