The Golden Compass Test | Final Test - Medium

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The Golden Compass Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Lyra's hood is removed by her kidnappers, who addresses her?
(a) A man speaking broken English asks her name.
(b) Mrs. Coulter talks to her disapprovingly.
(c) A woman with a cackling voice laughs at her.
(d) A Gobbler threatens her.

2. When Lyra consults her alethiometer to see how the Bolvangar is being defended, she discovers that
(a) The station is surrounded by wire and guarded by Tartars.
(b) The area is guarded by armored bears.
(c) The entrance is protected by an electric field, and Gobblers patrol the area.
(d) The region is separated by an icy moat.

3. When Lyra sees hundreds of tiny black objects up in the sky, Iorek tells her they are
(a) Anti-matter particles.
(b) Witches.
(c) Dust particles.
(d) Gobblers.

4. What does Lyra place in Tony's mouth before his body is cremated?
(a) Gold coin.
(b) Licorice piece.
(c) Note she wrote.
(d) Pouch of poppy seeds.

5. When Iorek and Lyra reach the village near the Bolvangar, they are met by what?
(a) Howling dogs and a man with a rifle.
(b) Baby seals and a girl with a sled.
(c) Polar bears and a woman with an electron gun.
(d) Honking geese and a child with a book.

Short Answer Questions

1. At the Bolvangar, how do Lyra and her friend exchange information without getting caught?

2. When Lyra finds Tony Makarios in the fish house, whom does he ask about?

3. What does Iofur do after noticing Iorek's injury suffered in battle?

4. At the Bolvangar, Billy Costa tells Lyra about a hiding place in the

5. At Lord Asriel's elegant home, Roger is sent to bed while Lyra is

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Iorek take Lyra to the village near the Bolvangar?

2. When Lyra consults her alethiometer under the insistence of John Faa to learn more about the Bolvangar, what details does she reveal?

3. When Thorold wakes up Lyra at Lord Asriel's residence in the North, he is concerned. What does he tell her?

4. When Lyra and Mrs. Coulter are reunited at the Bolvangar, what does the woman tell the girl about Dust?

5. Describe the battle that interrupts Lyra, Iorek, and the other bears as they chase after the tracks made by Lord Asriel's sledge.

6. After Lyra and Roger go to Lord Asriel's residence in the North, what does Roger say to Lyra about the man?

7. When Lyra is imprisoned by the armored bears, she reads her alethiometer with help from Pan, who transforms himself into a firefly. What information does the alethiometer reveal?

8. Describe the prison where Lord Asriel is kept in the North.

9. What is the outcome of the battle between Iorek and Iofur?

10. What does Serafina say when Lyra asks her if she loved Farder Coram?

(see the answer keys)

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