The Golden Compass Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The Golden Compass Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Lord Asriel is the epitome of
(a) Humility.
(b) Power.
(c) Forgiveness.
(d) Whimsy.

2. On the side of the golden compass, what does Lyra find?
(a) Three winding wheels.
(b) Four tiny locks.
(c) Three square buttons.
(d) Four small levers.

3. Farder Coram is a
(a) Doctor.
(b) Secret Scholar.
(c) Double agent.
(d) Seer.

4. Who are Barnard and Stokes?
(a) Renegade theologians.
(b) Spies.
(c) Renowned inventors.
(d) Assassins.

5. What does Kaisa tell Lyra about Lord Asriel and Dust?
(a) He is trying to use Dust to find a bridge between dimensions.
(b) He wants to sell Dust to the Gobblers for profit.
(c) He does not yet know the real nature of Dust.
(d) He is the one who actually discovered Dust.

Short Answer Questions

1. Kaisa is whose daemon?

2. After Lyra, her friends, and some Gyptian children search for Billy, but end up not finding him, who else goes missing?

3. After running away from Mrs. Coulter, Lyra wanders through London before stopping at a stall to buy what?

4. At the cocktail party that Mrs. Coulter hosts, Lyra hears that her parents were

5. At the institute library, Lyra is shown several items including a

Short Essay Questions

1. On the boat ride, what does Tony tell Lyra about armored bears?

2. Summarize the story Farder Coram tells about his encounter 40 years ago with a Lapland witch.

3. What is the Retiring Room?

4. How does Lyra feel after learning that Mrs. Coulter is her mother?

5. Describe Jordan College.

6. As Lyra rides with the Gyptians on a narrow boat captained by Ma Costa, what does Tony Costa say about the missing children?

7. After the Scholars enter the Retiring Room, what does Lyra overhear while she remains hidden in the wardrobe?

8. Describe Lord Asriel's reaction when Lyra bolts out of the wardrobe in the Retiring Room.

9. What do John Faa and Farder Coram explain to Lyra about her parents?

10. In her hiding place in the Retiring Room, Lyra eventually falls asleep. What does Lord Asriel talk about with Lyra after he wakes her up?

(see the answer keys)

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