The Golden Compass Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Golden Compass Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 2, Chapter 16.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Coram's daemon is named what?
(a) Sofiane.
(b) Swedalex.
(c) Sulferish.
(d) Sophonax.

2. While they dine, what does Mrs. Coulter tell Lyra about bears' livers?
(a) They are too expensive to order.
(b) They are full of nutrients.
(c) They are a rare delicacy.
(d) They are poisonous.

3. Tony Makarios, one of the children who has disappeared, had to
(a) Work as a spy for the Scholars.
(b) Run errands for money.
(c) Help hide the Gyptians.
(d) Steal food to eat.

4. When Lyra climbs into her hiding place in the ceiling of the Bolvangar, she can hear Mrs. Coulter and three men in a conference room discussing what?
(a) Imprisoned Gyptians.
(b) A kidnapped Lord Asriel.
(c) Escaped daemons.
(d) Runaway children.

5. In the alethiometer, the serpent represents what?
(a) Cunning.
(b) Longevity.
(c) Betrayal.
(d) Wisdom.

Short Answer Questions

1. To prove to the Scholars that Dr. Grumman is dead, what does Lord Asriel show them?

2. The Librarian and the Enquirer are members of the group of what?

3. When Lyra and friends sneak off during a fire drill at Bolvangar, what do they find?

4. Kaisa is whose daemon?

5. When Lyra sees hundreds of tiny black objects up in the sky, Iorek tells her they are

(see the answer key)

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