Going to Meet the Man Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Going to Meet the Man Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 122 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sonny say heroin does for his artistic creativity?
(a) Makes him connect to the music more easily.
(b) Makes him sing better.
(c) Makes him feel more alive.
(d) Makes him play better.

2. In Going to Meet the Man, who did the person Jesse beat up turn out to be related to?
(a) A woman he used to collect money from.
(b) A woman he used to take money to.
(c) A woman he used to work for.
(d) A woman he used to live next to.

3. In Sonny's Blues, what does the teacher wonder as he lies in his bed the first night Sonny is out of prison staying with him?
(a) If he could have prevented his brother from being in this situation.
(b) If his brother really is clean.
(c) If he should search his room.
(d) If his brother will use again.

4. Where did the teacher's wife learn Sonny was not going, during his stay while the teacher was overseas?
(a) Eating.
(b) Going to school.
(c) His homework.
(d) Taking tests.

5. Where does the narrator take his son in This Morning, This Evening, So Soon?
(a) Downstairs to the babysitter.
(b) To his mom.
(c) To the nanny's apartment.
(d) To daycare.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jesse tell his wife about when he can't sleep?

2. In Come Out the Wilderness, where does Ruth work ?

3. How did the teacher's uncle die in Sonny's Blues?

4. What offer does Ruth receive at work in Come Out the Wilderness?

5. What government service to Sonny end up joining?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did Jesse see in his mother and father's face when he was 8 years old?

2. What does te narrator fear in This Morning, This Evening, So Soon?

3. Describe where the narrator currently lives in This Morning, This Evening, So Soon.

4. Describe how the teacher's daughter dies.

5. Why is Jess frustrated at the beginning of Going to Meet the Man?

6. In Sonny's Blues, why did the teacher's mother tell Sonny the story about his uncle's death?

7. Describe what Ruth says to the narrator in This Morning, This Evening, So Soon.

8. Describe Ruth Bowman's living situation in Come Out the Wilderness.

9. What does Ruth realize at the end of Come Out the Wilderness?

10. Describe why Jesse is not surprised to see who the protesters leader is?

(see the answer keys)

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