Going After Cacciato Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Tim O'Brien
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Going After Cacciato Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Tim O'Brien
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What race does Doc Peret say is evident in Cacciato's appearance?
(a) Gypsy.
(b) Mongol.
(c) Maori.
(d) Slavic.

2. On the bumpy ride into hot territory in Chapter 20, which Squad member falls to the floor of the Chinook and cannot get up?
(a) Pederson.
(b) Harold Murphy.
(c) Eddie Lazzutti.
(d) Stick Harris.

3. In Chapter 25, why is the mountain road particularly bad for a march?
(a) It runs directly up the mountain without winding.
(b) It is horribly muddy.
(c) It is badly overgrown with roots and vines.
(d) It has been booby trapped by the VC.

4. In Chapter 9, why does Sidney Martin send Bernie Lynn into the tunnel?
(a) To blow it.
(b) To find maps.
(c) To retrieve a soldier's body.
(d) To search for VC.

5. How does Third Squad get Lieutenant Corson out of Delhi in Chapter 26?
(a) They carry him to a train while he's passed out drunk.
(b) They fake an ambush on Jolly Chand's lodging.
(c) They threaten him with a court martial.
(d) They knock him out and drive him out of town.

Short Answer Questions

1. What words does Paul Berlin state to himself without emotion as he watches Chapter 11's air-strike?

2. What is Lieutenant Martin's primary concern in Vietnam?

3. Which of the following characters does not go the MARS system to call home in Chapter 24?

4. Which of the following is not an activity that Sarkin Aung Wan and Paul Berlin do to pass the time in Delhi?

5. At what is Pederson shooting as he dies in the paddy?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Paul Berlin lose Cacciato in Mandalay?

2. What does Paul Berlin hope regarding Cacciato?

3. How do two men from Third Squad die in Chapter 9?

4. What plans does Paul Berlin make for his return home in Chapter 5?

5. Describe some ways that the men of the Paul Berlin's platoon organize themselves.

6. How does Paul Berlin succeed in keeping Sarkin Aung Wan with Third Squad?

7. In what state is Pederson on the day he dies?

8. Why does Paul Berlin feel guilty for Frenchie Tucker and Bernie Lynn's deaths?

9. Describe Lieutenant Corson.

10. What news does Doc Peret deliver to Lieutenant Corson at the beginning of the novel?

(see the answer keys)

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