Godric Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Godric Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many seas does Godric say he has sailed in his mind?
(a) Twenty.
(b) One only.
(c) Ten times ten.
(d) Seven times seven.

2. Godric doubts that Elric has washed since _____.
(a) Confessor's day.
(b) Passover.
(c) King's day.
(d) Christmastide.

3. How does Godric describe Elric's eyes?
(a) As pools of water.
(b) As ferret sharp.
(c) As slow and languid.
(d) As two coal-burnt onions.

4. What is Godric sprinkled with when he is being prepared for Christmas mass?
(a) Lemon juice.
(b) Rosewater.
(c) Rain water.
(d) Holy water.

5. What does Elric eat?
(a) Fruit and flowers.
(b) Grub worms and leaves.
(c) Squirrel.
(d) Roots and nuts.

6. What was the wisest thing that Godric says Henry the First ever did?
(a) Put Ralph Flambard in the Tower.
(b) Cut taxes on grain.
(c) Pardon his own brother.
(d) Execute Falkes de Granvill.

7. In Godric's opinion, who is easy to love?
(a) A babe.
(b) God.
(c) A mother.
(d) A brother.

8. Who does Goric ask to teach him how to pray?
(a) Ailred.
(b) Jesu.
(c) Gillian.
(d) Mary.

9. Where does Elric live?
(a) In a cave.
(b) In the abbey.
(c) In a hut.
(d) In a lean-to.

10. Godric asks, " Dear Lord, strew _____ upon my hermit's dreams to make them sweet."
(a) Honey.
(b) Lilacs.
(c) Herbs.
(d) Rosewater.

11. What does Hedwic complain about when she starts her conversation with Godric at the feast?
(a) The floor.
(b) The weather.
(c) The candles.
(d) The temperature.

12. What is Godric doing when he sees Burcwen bathing?
(a) Praying.
(b) Raking leaves.
(c) Eating.
(d) Searching for Tune.

13. Where does Godric wander to when Elric dies?
(a) Farne.
(b) Wulsingham.
(c) Bishop's Lynn.
(d) Saint Giles.

14. How does Godric's family arrive at his abode after their house burns down?
(a) By horse-drawn carriage.
(b) By chariot.
(c) By ox-drawn cart.
(d) By caravan.

15. When Godric gives his gold away, who does he say was as glad as he was to do so when he told Jesus that he would pay back double for his thievery?
(a) Dismas.
(b) Zaccheus.
(c) Bacchus.
(d) Gestus.

Short Answer Questions

1. The church where Goric meets Elric is near _____.

2. Roger Mouse tells the pilgrims on his ship in Jerusalem's harbor that if they want to swim to shore, they will probably encounter _____.

3. Which meat are the revelers supposed to be eating at Falkes de Granvill's feast?

4. Like Jacob, Godric considers his _____ to be a stone.

5. What does Godric say that life is as he describes the rich and poor that he has known?

(see the answer keys)

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