God Sees the Truth But Waits Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 63 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

God Sees the Truth But Waits Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 63 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the prisoner who comes from Vladimir, Aksionov’s hometown?
(a) Makar Ivanov.
(b) Makar Semyonich.
(c) Seymour Malkovich.
(d) Ivan Semyonich.

2. What does Aksionov tell the person who visits his cell the night he was questioned by the guard about the tunnel?
(a) He asks the person to kill him.
(b) He says they should escape through the tunnel right away.
(c) He says he is getting released.
(d) He says to leave or he will call the guard.

3. What does Semyonich tell Aksionov one night in his cell regarding Aksionov’s alleged crime?
(a) He says he knows the police set him up.
(b) He says he heard the merchant survived.
(c) He says he knows Aksionov killed the merchant.
(d) He tells him he killed the merchant and hid the knife in Aksionov’s things.

4. What does Semyonich tell Aksionov he will do to him if Aksionov tells anyone of his secret?
(a) He will kill him.
(b) He will beat him.
(c) He will tell them he saw him kill the merchant.
(d) He will kill his family.

5. What does Semyonich decide to do at the end of “God Sees the Truth But Waits”?
(a) Kill himself.
(b) Escape.
(c) Confess his guilt.
(d) Kill Aksionov.

6. What did the convoy soldiers notice after taking the convicts out to work one day?
(a) That someone had escaped.
(b) That Semyonich has cuts on his hand and head.
(c) A tool used for digging.
(d) That someone had emptied some earth from his boots.

7. What does the Governor say to Aksionov when asking him who dug the tunnel?
(a) He says to tell him before God who did it.
(b) He says Aksionov will be flogged if he cannot tell him who did it.
(c) He says he knows Aksionov knows who did it.
(d) He says he thinks it was Aksionov.

8. How does Aksionov feel after saying that he may be “a hundred times worse” (117) than Semyonich?
(a) His heart feels light and he no longer yearns for home.
(b) Like a liar.
(c) Sick.
(d) Enraged.

9. What does Semyonich call Aksionov when they speak of their crimes?
(a) Papa.
(b) The Saint.
(c) Grandad.
(d) Father.

10. What do the prisoners all say when questioned by the Governor?
(a) Aksionov did it.
(b) Semyonich did it.
(c) They all helped dig the tunnel.
(d) They do not know who did it.

11. What happens to Aksionov before he can be released from prison?
(a) He dies.
(b) He kills Semyonich.
(c) He kills the guard.
(d) He escapes.

12. What does Aksionov try to do day and night after meeting Semyonich, but it brings him no peace?
(a) Pray.
(b) Read.
(c) Write.
(d) Play guitar.

13. How does Aksionov reply when asked by the new prisoners why he is in jail?
(a) He says he was wrongfully convicted of murder.
(b) He says he robbed a bank.
(c) He says he must have deserved it.
(d) He says he killed a man.

14. After they way Semyonich reacted to Aksionov’s story, what does Aksionov begin to believe about Semyonich?
(a) He too has been wrongfully accused.
(b) That he killed the merchant.
(c) He is his wife’s new husband.
(d) He is his son.

15. Who does Aksionov tell Semyonich is the only one who can decide if Aksionov tells on him?
(a) God.
(b) His wife.
(c) Semyonich.
(d) Aksionov.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Aksionov reply to the Governor when asked who dug the tunnel?

2. What does Semyonich say that makes Aksionov certain it was he who committed the crime?

3. What does Semyonich begin to do when Aksionov does not forgive him?

4. What does Aksionov ask of the prisoner who says he is from Vladimir?

5. How does Aksionov remember his younger self after discovering who really killed the merchant?

(see the answer keys)

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