God Sees the Truth But Waits Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 63 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

God Sees the Truth But Waits Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 63 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is Aksionov punished before he is sent to the mines?
(a) He is sent to solitary confinement for a week.
(b) He is electrocuted.
(c) He is waterboarded.
(d) He is flogged.

2. What does Aksionov tell his wife will happen at the fair to reassure her?
(a) He will make so much money he can retire.
(b) He will sell all of his goods and buy them a vacation home.
(c) He will sell all of his goods and buy her a present.
(d) He will bring home lots of candy for the kids.

3. Who is the main character introduced at the beginning of “God Sees the Truth But Waits”?
(a) Ivan Dmitrich Aksionov.
(b) Dmitrich Vladimir Nishny.
(c) Vladimir Dmitrich Aksionov.
(d) Ivan Vladimir Ivanov.

4. How much money does Aksionov tell the officer he has on him?
(a) 8,000,000 rubles.
(b) 800 rubles.
(c) 8,000 rubles.
(d) 10,000 rubles.

5. How do the people of Vladimir respond when inquired about Aksionov’s character?
(a) He is a saint.
(b) He is a murderer.
(c) He used to drink a lot, but was a good man.
(d) He is a scoundrel.

6. Who emerges from their vehicle to approach Aksionov and question him at the inn?
(a) Two merchants.
(b) Two women.
(c) Two soldiers.
(d) Two children.

7. In what town does Aksionov live at the beginning of “God Sees the Truth But Waits”?
(a) Vladivostok.
(b) Volkhov.
(c) Nizhny.
(d) Vladimir.

8. What book does Aksionov purchase with the money he makes in prison?
(a) The Lives of Saints.
(b) The Holy Bible.
(c) War and Peace.
(d) Crime and Punishment.

9. How does Aksionov’s wife react when she sees him in jail for the first time?
(a) She says he looks awful.
(b) She calls him a murderer.
(c) She passes out.
(d) She tells him he is getting out.

10. What do the prisoners ask of Aksionov whenever they want to “petition the prison authorities about anything” (111)?
(a) To write a letter for them.
(b) To be their spokesman.
(c) To pray for them.
(d) To trick the authorities into doing what they want.

11. How does Aksionov earn money in prison?
(a) Writing appeals for other prisoners.
(b) Selling cigarettes.
(c) Making boots.
(d) Making gloves.

12. What does Aksionov do in prison on Sundays?
(a) He when to church and sang in the choir.
(b) He had become a priest and gave sermons.
(c) He met with fellow prisoners for Bible study.
(d) He did not speak or work.

13. In what city is Aksionov imprisoned?
(a) Siberia.
(b) Moscow.
(c) Vladimir.
(d) Nizhny.

14. Where is the fair Aksionov is heading to at the start of the story?
(a) Moscow.
(b) St. Petersburg.
(c) Nizhny.
(d) Samara.

15. What is Aksionov asked about his previous night’s stay?
(a) If he left his luggage there.
(b) The inn’s address.
(c) How much it cost him.
(d) Where he stayed and with whom.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Aksionov charged with doing to the merchant from Ryazan?

2. What did Aksionov do excessively at one time, but give up after marriage?

3. How many homes does Aksionov own at the beginning of the story?

4. How is Aksionov’s beard described after 26 years in prison?

5. How many years does Aksionov spend in prison?

(see the answer keys)

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