God Save the Child Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

God Save the Child Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What has happened outside?
(a) Vaughn has hold of Margery.
(b) Kevin has returned.
(c) Vic has arrived to kill Margery.
(d) Margery has tripped and fallen.

2. Race says that he might have information but demands what?
(a) To know what Vic did.
(b) To know why Spenser is looking for Vic.
(c) To know that he will remain anonymous.
(d) To know he will be protected.

3. Why does Spenser pull his gun?
(a) He hears a noise.
(b) He is afraid.
(c) In case the killer remains in the house.
(d) He wants to show everyone his gun.

4. Spenser goes back in the establishment where he does what?
(a) Sits in the sauna.
(b) Goes to a phone and calls the police.
(c) Has cognac and warms up.
(d) Tells Race what has happened.

5. Why does Spenser say that it's evident Kevin and Vic will be returning soon?
(a) Spenser can hear Vic's voice.
(b) Spenser can see them running down the street.
(c) Kevin has left a note saying so.
(d) Kevin's clothes are on a bed.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has happened to Croft?

2. Spenser arrives at the Bartletts' house to find Roger doing what?

3. Vic's house is quiet and even the generator isn't running. Spenser watches the house until one twenty-two, when Kevin and Vic emerge, get into Vic's car, and leave. Spenser remains at his position throughout the day and into the night. Do Vic and Kevin return?

4. What are Vic and Kevin doing when they return?

5. What does Dolly say about the conversation that Margery is reporting?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Henry learn about Vic at Race's Faces?

2. What takes place between Susan and Spenser?

3. What happens when Spenser arrives at the Bartletts' home?

4. How does Dr. Croft act initially when Spenser meets with him?

5. What happens when Susan arrives at the party?

6. How does Margery respond when Spenser asks if they know anyone who might be mad at them?

7. Why does Margery scream?

8. What happens when Spenser discovers more business cards like the one Fraser had?

9. What does Spenser learn at the Harbor Health Club?

10. What happens when Spenser follows Vic to a motel?

(see the answer keys)

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