God Is Red: A Native View of Religion Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

God Is Red: A Native View of Religion Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What people do Deloria claim fears death more than any other group?
(a) Christians.
(b) Indians.
(c) Catholics.
(d) Baptists.

2. In Chapter 17, Deloria claims the earth is _______________________________________.
(a) Suffering from religious tension.
(b) Large enough for all religions to live together peacefully.
(c) Suffering greatly from neglect and abuse.
(d) Misunderstood.

3. In Chapter 10, Deloria claims the Spanish would have a priest standing by to baptize a fetus after killing its mother and before killing it. Why would they feel a baptism was necessary?
(a) This really didn't happen.
(b) No answer is correct.
(c) To ease the conscience of the killers.
(d) Baptized babies go to heaven.

4. By the 1500's, Deloria claims it was popularly accepted that the Indians could live on their natural land, until which of the following took place?
(a) Such time as the invading Europeans need the land for themselves.
(b) The older generation died.
(c) The turn of the century.
(d) They disobeyed the Europeans in any way.

5. In Chapter 10, Deloria states that Indian tribal religions do not believe in which of the following?
(a) In a soul.
(b) The soul must account for misdeeds during life.
(c) The soul lives on forever.
(d) In forgiveness of sins.

6. In Chapter 17, Deloria states that Christianity is _________________.
(a) Wrong.
(b) Not wrong.
(c) Based on the Bible.
(d) Outdated.

7. Deloria claims that religion dominates a tribal culture and which of the following?
(a) Ceremonial activities are not political.
(b) Political activity and religious activity are always clearly defined.
(c) Political activity and religious activity are intertwined.
(d) Political activity is less important.

8. In Chapter 14, Deloria believed that as technology expanded, tribal religion suffered because of which of the following?
(a) The younger generation was attracted by the outside modern world.
(b) The radio played religious services daily.
(c) Everyone watched preachers on television.
(d) The internet.

9. In Chapter 14, Deloria asserts that when the younger generation visits the outside world of modern conveniences, which of the following occur?
(a) They are afraid of public transportation.
(b) They never return home.
(c) They love music.
(d) It can cause a lack of harmony in in the Indian home.

10. In Chapter 10, what is Deloria's opinion of an afterlife with no difficulties?
(a) Boring.
(b) Challenging.
(c) Great!
(d) Ridiculous.

11. In Chapter 10, regarding immortality of the soul and resurrection of the dead, Deloria claims Indian religions ____________________________.
(a) Believe they are one in the same.
(b) No answer is correct.
(c) Are only interested in the soul's immortality.
(d) Show no concern for either doctrine.

12. Deloria believes culture shapes religion in which of the following ways?
(a) European countries.
(b) Alaskan aboriginal tribes.
(c) Tribal Indian cultures.
(d) Contemporary American culture.

13. While Christianity is a relationship between one person and God, how does Deloria explain tribal religions?
(a) More complicated because of ceremonial rites.
(b) Not as personal.
(c) Always changing.
(d) A covenant between a particular god and a particular community.

14. What is Baptism, according to Deloria?
(a) Becoming popular with Indian religions.
(b) Only for children.
(c) Totally unnecessary.
(d) Mechanical entrance into the next life.

15. In Chapter 11, Deloria claims religion must relate to which of the following?
(a) Nature.
(b) Water.
(c) Land.
(d) Wind.

Short Answer Questions

1. Deloria explains that the Amish relate land, community, and religion into _____________________.

2. The American Indian Religious Freedom Act gave Congress which of the following powers?

3. According to Deloria, in tribal communities a person is judged as useful or useless by his or her ___________________________.

4. By Deloria's definition in Chapter 16, what is the most familiar type of sacred land?

5. Chapter 12 details __________________ and how it affects religious cultures.

(see the answer keys)

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