God Is Red: A Native View of Religion Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

God Is Red: A Native View of Religion Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Chapter 8, "Origin of Religio n," states which of the following regarding the origin of religion?
(a) It's irrelevant.
(b) It's vague.
(c) It's found in Indian tribal religions.
(d) It's found in the Bible.

2. In Chapter3, ecologists tried to turn attention away from the Civil Rights Movement by turning attention to what?
(a) Bacteria in the ocean.
(b) Ocean temperature.
(c) The continent's rapidly deteriorating ecosystem.
(d) The environment.

3. In Chapter 8, the origins of religion are examined from which of the following?
(a) The Germanic myth to the Hopi.
(b) Japan to Alaska.
(c) No answer is correct.
(d) The Germanic myth to Columbus.

4. When did the American public learn a great deal about American Indians?
(a) The 1960's and 1970's.
(b) History.
(c) The 1940's.
(d) The 1990's.

5. What does Deloria believe caused science to pierce the veil of nature?
(a) The atomic bomb.
(b) Bunson burners.
(c) Modern medicine.
(d) Space shuttles.

6. Chapter 1 says that the first great protest was held on what border?
(a) Canadian.
(b) Alaskan.
(c) Mexican.
(d) Mississippi.

7. How does Deloria believe some Christians will feel about his comparisons of Christianity and Indian tribal religions?
(a) Angry.
(b) Upset.
(c) Sympathetic.
(d) Relieved.

8. When was the BIA ordered to find areas for the California Indians to reside?
(a) During WWI.
(b) During the Civil Rights Movement.
(c) During the Great Depression.
(d) During WWII.

9. What did the Gold Rush cause the American Indians to do?
(a) Welcome newcomers.
(b) Protest.
(c) Celebrate.
(d) Move to Canada.

10. The author emphasizes that Indian religions are not _________________________.
(a) Old traditions.
(b) In conflict with nature.
(c) Superstitious.
(d) Sin oriented.

11. In Chapter 5, the author explains that some tribal religions believe humans can not only change into animals and birds, but they can also change into what?
(a) Other people.
(b) Witches and wizards.
(c) Plants and rocks.
(d) All answers are correct.

12. What is the purpose of the American Indian Religious Freedom Resolution?
(a) Allows whites to participate in Indian ceremonial rites.
(b) Protects the religion and ceremonial rites of American Indians.
(c) Protects Indian children from being forced to attend Sunday School.
(d) Forbids Indians from attending white churches.

13. Deloria believes Christian theologians have failed to explain how ___________________.
(a) Evil can exist in a perfect world.
(b) Adam came to exist.
(c) Creation evolved.
(d) Sin is perceived.

14. Why did some whites dig up Indian bodies from their graves?
(a) To sell the buried treasure.
(b) To sell the skulls.
(c) To sell the clothes.
(d) To sell the bones.

15. Using the example of the Crusades, Deloria accuses Christians of which of the following?
(a) Attacking other cultures.
(b) Spreading their beliefs.
(c) Going on a retreat.
(d) Witnessing to the Indians.

Short Answer Questions

1. Deloria also claims that many Christians are "married" to the idea that Columbus ___________________.

2. Chapter 5 discusses the differences among religions on what topic?

3. With regards to supernatural phenomena, such as meteors and supernovae, Deloria accuses Christians of which of the following?

4. Deloria asserts that Indian religions think of creation as the environment and how it relates to what?

5. Deloria says that some tribal religions believe humans can turn into animals, birds and which of the following?

(see the answer keys)

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