God in the Dock; Essays on Theology and Ethics Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

God in the Dock; Essays on Theology and Ethics Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. The general condition of mankind according to Christianity is which of the following?

2. Lewis argues that the character of Christianity suggests what type of a role for God?

3. Who was the father of St John the Baptist?

4. What name does Lewis recommend for churches that believe in a high degree of supernatural intervention in the world?

5. In the analogy that Lewis uses in Part II, Essay 6, "Meditation in a Toolshed", observing the sun from the cracks of light in the roof of a toolshed is compared to what method of learning and knowing?

Short Essay Questions

1. What kind of compulsions does Lewis argue against?

2. According to Lewis' writings in Part II, Essay 1, "Dangers of National Repentance", what dangers does national repentance present?

3. Explain the logical fallacy that Lewis cautions against in Part III, Essay 3, "The Sermon and the Lunch"?

4. Explain one example of the problem with trying too hard to look at a problem "behind the scenes".

5. What is the problem in the village described in Part IV, Letter 5, "A Village Experience"?

6. According to Lewis, how might vivisection be justified?

7. Why does Lewis believe that an outside-in perspective is impossible to attain?

8. According to Lewis, how do most modern people approach the subject of God, and how should the subject be approached?

9. What practical reasons does Lewis give to reject the idea of women serving as priests?

10. Why does Lewis find it important for everyone to read older texts?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Miracles are events that seemingly violate the laws of nature, attributed to divine forces, and in Christianity, to the power of the Holy Spirit. Many contend that these events do not occur, and moreover, are impossible. Lewis suggests that the laws of nature are more flexible that they are often represented as being, and that miracles do occur from time to time.

1) Explain the philosophical arguments surrounding the occurrence of miracles. What groups of thinkers have particular interest in them, and what are their stances?

2) Explain Lewis' explanation about experience, observation, and prior commitments regarding miracles.

2) Discuss Lewis' opinion towards miracles and the explanation he gives for contending that they occur with some regularity without necessarily violating the laws of nature.

Essay Topic 2

Lewis discusses the arguments that many have made, believing that females should be allowed to serve the Christian church as priests. He suggests that this reform has been enacted in very few denominations for good reasons, and he cites practical and theological reasons to advise against it.

1) Discuss some of the practical difficulties that Lewis brings up regarding allowing women to serve as priests, and the theological basis behind this restriction.

2) Explain the arguments that Lewis explains that speak in favor of allowing females to serve as priests.

3) Using Lewis' predictions and warnings, speculate about what the consequences would be for a major denomination within Christianity to allow females to serve as priests.

Essay Topic 3

The title essay of the book expresses Lewis' misgivings about the way that modern man approach the subject of God. Many, especially Materialists, attempt to place God in judgment.

1) Explain what Lewis means by the statement that modern men judge God. Explain the typical judgments that are laid against the Christian God.

2) Discuss the way that Lewis believes the subject of God should be approached.

3) Speculate as to how modern mindsets such as individuality and scientific reasoning contribute to what Lewis views as a flawed approach to the subject of God.

(see the answer keys)

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