God in the Dock; Essays on Theology and Ethics Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

God in the Dock; Essays on Theology and Ethics Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the God in the Dock; Essays on Theology and Ethics Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part III, Essays 1 - 9, 'Bulverism', First and Second Things, The Sermon and the Lunch, The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment, Xmas and Christmas, Delinquents in the Snow, Is Progress Possible?, We Have No 'Right to Happiness'.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Pittenger does not believe there is a scriptural basis for which of Jesus' claims?
(a) To have divine authority.
(b) To have been resurrected.
(c) To be able to work miracles.
(d) To be the son of God.

2. Lewis argues that the commercialism of Christmas is what?
(a) Not Christ-like in any respect.
(b) An affront to the church.
(c) Excessive and idolatrous.
(d) Painful and involuntary.

3. How does Lewis state that he "wants" to interpret the Christian creeds?
(a) Less literally.
(b) As being totally literal.
(c) In scientific terms.
(d) As metaphors.

4. Lewis contends that Corineous intends to treat Christianity in what way?
(a) As a provable fact.
(b) As only a myth.
(c) As an inferior religion.
(d) As the only valid faith.

5. Apologetics is best described as which of the following?
(a) A rational defense of the faith.
(b) The factual basis of the scriptures.
(c) A logical explanation of church history.
(d) A literal interpretation of the bible.

Short Answer Questions

1. The argument that human suffering proves that God does not exist is best described as which of the following?

2. In Part II, Essay 11, "Priestesses in the Church?" what social event does Lewis compare the activity of the church to?

3. The terms prayer books often use to describe personal feelings would best be described as which of the following?

4. Lewis suggests that what viewpoint is necessary to accept the supremacy of reason?

5. How does Lewis suggest that higher animals might be able to achieve immortality?

(see the answer key)

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