God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, or, Pearls Before Swine Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, or, Pearls Before Swine Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Harry Pena?
(a) An ex-insurance salesman who now owns a restaurant on a yacht.
(b) An ex-insurance salesman who is now a professional wrestler.
(c) An ex-insurance salesman who is now a lawyer.
(d) An ex-insurance salesman who is now a professional fisherman.

2. What does Eliot do for Noyes Finnerty while he is in prison?
(a) Eliot has Noyes paroled.
(b) Eliot gives Noyes ten thousand dollars.
(c) Eliot gives Noyes his ticket to INdianapolis.
(d) Eliot has Noyes arrested for assault.

3. How long has Selena been with the Buntline family?
(a) A month.
(b) Nine months.
(c) Six months.
(d) A year.

4. What has Eliot purchased for his trip to Indianapolis?
(a) A new suit, socks, shirt, and tie.
(b) A new suit, shirt, tie, socks, underpants, tooth brush, and Lavoris.
(c) A new suit, socks, shoes, toothbrush, and Listerine.
(d) A new suit, a briefcase, shoes, toothbrush, and Lavoris.

5. What solution does Eliot's father present for Eliot's current problem?
(a) Eliot must leave immediately for Paris.
(b) Eliot must beg for Sylvia's forgiveness.
(c) Eliot must leave Rosewater forever.
(d) Eliot must hand over the Foundation to his father.

6. How much does Bunny say the gift Amanita gives Caroline at lunch cost?
(a) Seventeen dollars.
(b) Thirteen dollars.
(c) Twenty dollars.
(d) One hundred dollars.

7. What does Fred learn about himself and his family while reading the Rosewater Family History?
(a) Their family was one of the first in England.
(b) They are carriers of a defective gene.
(c) They are originally from Scotland.
(d) They are descendent from royalty.

8. What is The Click Noyes tells Charley about when Eliot is in the office?
(a) The point when a man has to decide to stay or go.
(b) The point at which a man begins to die.
(c) THe part of a man's life when he had to be crazy clicks off.
(d) The point in prison when a man has to get out.

9. Why did Caroline marry Fred?
(a) If he changed careers, he could be a millionaire.
(b) If he sold insurance, he would be rich someday.
(c) If he lived in Pisquontuit and went to Harvard, he must be rich.
(d) If he sold his boat, he would be rich.

10. How does Fred Rosewater's father die?
(a) He commits suicide by hanging himself in the basement.
(b) He commits suicide after the stock market crash of 1929.
(c) He commits suicide after his wife leaves him for a younger man.
(d) He commits suicide when he learns he has cancer.

11. When Stewart was a young man, what did he tell his lawyer he wanted to do with his money?
(a) He wanted to give it all away to the poor.
(b) He wanted to give it all to the United Way.
(c) He wanted to put it all in trust for his wife.
(d) He wanted to invest it all in the stock market.

12. Who is the thirteen year old girl who comes in while Fred is reading the paper?
(a) Norman Mushari.
(b) Sally Rosewater, Fred's neice.
(c) Kristen Buntline, daughter of Fred's wife's best friend.
(d) Lila Buntline, daughter of Fred's wife's best friend.

13. What did Fred's father write and leave to him before dying?
(a) A will.
(b) A note of apology to the family.
(c) A suicide letter.
(d) A family history.

14. Who is the town of Pisquontuit named after?
(a) An Indian Chief in the 1600s.
(b) An INdian Chief in the 1900s.
(c) An Indian Chief in the 1700s.
(d) An Indian Chief in the 1800s.

15. Upon getting home, why does Fred give up his first thought of suicide?
(a) He thinks about his father.
(b) He thinks about the scandal.
(c) He thinks about his wife getting the insurance money.
(d) He thinks about his son.

Short Answer Questions

1. What book does Eliot have hidden in his office?

2. Who is Tawny Wainwright?

3. Who is the first person to visit Eliot on the day of his journey to Indianapolis?

4. From which side of the Rosewater family does Fred come?

5. To whom is Selena writing a letter while Fred is asleep on his boat?

(see the answer keys)

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