God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, or, Pearls Before Swine Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, or, Pearls Before Swine Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Eliot use as a kitchen in his office in Rosewater?
(a) His bedroom.
(b) His back porch.
(c) His bathroom.
(d) His closet.

2. What does McAllister propose as his "rather primitive idea" to Sylvia, Mushari, and the Senator?
(a) SYlvia be given control of the Foundation.
(b) Sylvia and Eliot divorce in Mexico.
(c) Sylvia talk Eliot into leaving with her to Paris.
(d) Sylvia and Eliot attempt reconciliation.

3. In the first sixteen years of the Foundation, how much money is spent?
(a) Fourteen million dollars.
(b) Fifty million dollars.
(c) Twenty million dollars.
(d) Eighteen million dollars.

4. What does Eliot seek out in every town he visits?
(a) The mayors.
(b) The public libraries.
(c) The railroad stations.
(d) The volunteer fire departments.

5. For what law firm does Norman Mushari work?
(a) Smith, Barney, Cluster.
(b) McAllister, Smith, and Wainwright.
(c) Meryll, Lynch, Fenner, and Smith.
(d) McAllister, Robjent, Reed, and McGee.

6. What does Eliot call Sylvia in his letter to her from Iowa?
(a) "The most patient woman in the world."
(b) "The most understanding person in the world."
(c) "The best wife a man could have."
(d) "The most beauitiful woman a man could ask for."

7. What is a fly hunt?
(a) Finding flies in winter.
(b) Killing flies with spray cans.
(c) KIlling flies with rubber bands or glasses.
(d) Catching flies with nets.

8. What is in the letter that is to be given to the next president of the Foundation from the current president?
(a) A list of Foundation holdings.
(b) A history of the Foundation,
(c) A description of the gifts given so far.
(d) A history of the family.

9. At what age can siblings of the president of the Foundation become officers?
(a) Eighteen.
(b) Thirty five.
(c) Twenty one.
(d) Fifty.

10. What happens at the opening of the opera Aida attended by Eliot and Sylvia?
(a) Eliot calls out to the singers in the middle of the opera.
(b) Eliot cries inconsolably at the end of the opera.
(c) Eliot leaps off the balcony into the crowd.
(d) Eliot goes to the restroom and does not return.

11. How many children does Senator Rosewater have?
(a) Four.
(b) Three.
(c) Two living.
(d) Only one.

12. Why is Norman Mushari happy to hear Eliot is baptizing babies?
(a) It is evident he is breaking the law.
(b) It is evidence he believes he is the Messiah.
(c) It is evident he is lying to Sylvia when he tells her this.
(d) It is evident he is falsely representing the Foundation.

13. What position does Eliot hold with the Rosewater Fire Department?
(a) Fire Chief.
(b) Fire Captain.
(c) Fire Lieutenant.
(d) Fire Hoseman.

14. Why does Eliot collect pictures from magazines for his clients?
(a) He gives them out as birthday gifts.
(b) He uses them for wallpaper.
(c) He finds his clients find pictures comforting.
(d) He is a horder.

15. How does Eliot answer the telephone, both day and night, in his office?
(a) "This is the Rosewater Foundation. Please leave a message."
(b) "This is the Rosewater Foundation. How can we help you?"
(c) "This is the Rosewater Foundation. My name is Eliot."
(d) "This is the Rosewater Foundation. The office is now closed."

Short Answer Questions

1. During the meeting with Sylvia, how does Senator Rosewater react when McAllister reminds him about the other Rosewater?

2. What is the Rosewater Law?

3. What does Eliot tell Sylvia will be his "work of art?"

4. What is Eliot's title with the fire department in Rosewater when he is a child?

5. Where does Eliiot Rosewater meet his wife?

(see the answer keys)

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