God: A Biography Test | Final Test - Medium

Jack Miles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

God: A Biography Test | Final Test - Medium

Jack Miles
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is the Bible's first apocalypse recorded?
(a) Is. 24: 17-23.
(b) Daniel 17-25.
(c) Exodus 2-16.
(d) Song of Songs 14.

2. What type of presence is God in Isaiah?
(a) A presence that is somewhat absent.
(b) A solid presence.
(c) A true presence.
(d) An absent presence.

3. For what does the polytheistic retelling make up?
(a) The Tanakh's lack of clarity and sense of relative inevitability.
(b) The lack of depth found in God's character.
(c) The negativity towards monotheism.
(d) The belief that God is one-sided and superficial.

4. What celebration marks this event?
(a) The two-day feast of Purim.
(b) Christmas.
(c) Rashashana.
(d) The holy day of Passover.

5. Why does Haman want the Jews annihilated?
(a) Mordecai, a Jew, offends him.
(b) He does not like the king's wife.
(c) He has an obsession with murder.
(d) He fears the Jews.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Psalm 2 do nothing short but envision?

2. For what do the last three Minor Prophets set the stage?

3. After the Babylonians are defeated by the Persians, what do the Judeans begin to be called?

4. What does God admit in Is. 51:22-23?

5. How is Mordecai's reaction to the plot of Haman different from the reactions by past Jews in similar situations?

Short Essay Questions

1. What lesson did God's demand for Isaac's sacrifice teach? Give an example.

2. How did Song of Songs, which is a secular cycle of poems about young lovers, enter the Hebrew canon?

3. Why are Job's speeches NOT subversive?

4. What happen after Ezra reads the "scroll of the Teaching of Moses?"

5. How are God and Israel brought back together in the Book of Daniel?

6. What are the four things Job does, according to the common interpretation of the Book of Job?

7. How does the Book of Ruth portray men?

8. Is the Tanakh a tragedy?

9. When does God first feel pain?

10. Why is it confusing that the prophets contradict one another?

(see the answer keys)

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