Glengarry, Glen Ross Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Glengarry, Glen Ross Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Roma not believe happens to bad people?
(a) They find love
(b) They succeed
(c) They become good
(d) They go to hell

2. What type of drink is Lingk drinking?
(a) Gimlet
(b) Manhattan
(c) GIn and Tonic
(d) Old-Fashioned

3. Which two characters are onstage at the beginning of Act 2?
(a) Roma and Williamson
(b) Moss and Roma
(c) Williamson and Aaronow
(d) Levene and Moss

4. Who reenters the office in the last moment of the play?
(a) Aaronow
(b) Levene
(c) Moss
(d) Lingk

5. How are Lingk and Roma seated?
(a) On either side of a desk
(b) At a cafe table
(c) At a bar
(d) In separate booths

6. Who is the first salesman that Baylen interviews for an interview in Act 2?
(a) Levene
(b) Aaronow
(c) Moss
(d) Roma

7. What does Roma argue to Lingk is missing from the way we live our life?
(a) Hope for the future
(b) Understanding of our past
(c) The present moment
(d) A coherent plan

8. To what great philanthropist does Moss mockingly compare Roma?
(a) Eli Lilly
(b) Dale Carnegie
(c) Bishop Sheen
(d) Mother Teresa

9. What is the name of the units that Levene closes on?
(a) Glengarry Highlands
(b) Clear Meadows
(c) River Glen
(d) Mountain View

10. What major American company does Roma tell Lingk that Levene works for?
(a) McKinsey
(b) General Electric
(c) American Express
(d) Chrystler

11. Where does Roma say refuses to live?
(a) Hell
(b) Glendale
(c) Hotels
(d) Suburbs

12. To what does Roma compare the spectrum of human events?
(a) A kaleidescope
(b) A horror film
(c) A Shakespearean play
(d) A carnival

13. Which of the following is not among the items Roma casually compares to real estate in his conversation with Lingk?
(a) Off-shore accounts
(b) Bonds
(c) Stocks
(d) Objects of art

14. What land is Roma trying to sell Lingk?
(a) Rio Rancho
(b) Western Properties
(c) Glen Ross Farms
(d) Glengarry Highlands

15. According to Roma, what are the chances that any of the catastrophes he names will befall a person?
(a) One in a million
(b) One in a billion
(c) One in ten
(d) One in a thousand

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Roma what is his greatest reserve against the uncertainties of life?

2. Which of the following is not something Roma suggests property might represent?

3. Which of the following is not a possible opportunity that Roma tells Lingk that real estate offers?

4. What type of coffee does the woman bring Roma the morning after the best sex he ever had?

5. Which of the following is not an example of a catastrophe that Roma lists as he discusses humanity's fear of loss?

(see the answer keys)

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