Glengarry, Glen Ross Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Glengarry, Glen Ross Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much does Moss eventually promise to give Aaronow for the robbery?
(a) 1,000 dollars
(b) 3,000 dollars
(c) 2,500 dollars
(d) 5,000 dollars

2. Where does Levene suggest that Williamson learned his management style?
(a) A whorehouse
(b) Church
(c) School
(d) On the street

3. For what purpose does Williamson say he was hired by the company?
(a) To separate the grain from the chaff
(b) To watch the leads
(c) To assess productivity
(d) To maximize profit

4. Where is Moss sleeping this evening?
(a) The YMCA
(b) His girlfriend's place
(c) In his car
(d) The Como Inn

5. What name does Moss say is constantly coming to him in the leads what is completely useless?
(a) Sanchez
(b) Patel
(c) Little
(d) Brodski

6. What company is providing that premium leads?
(a) Rio Rancho
(b) Glengarry Highlands
(c) Glen Ross Farms
(d) Arizona Realty

7. What does Levene call the leads he has been given?
(a) Burn cards
(b) Obituaries
(c) Toilet paper
(d) Ticker tape

8. About what does Moss admit he lied?
(a) The number of leads in the office
(b) The amount Graff would pay
(c) About how important the robbery is
(d) About liking Aaronow

9. Which of the following is not someone that Levene tells Williamson to ask about his ability to get hot?
(a) Mitch
(b) Jerry Graff
(c) Baylen
(d) Getz

10. What words does Williamson say to Levene regarding his last sale that offend him?
(a) Fuck off
(b) You say
(c) So called
(d) Dead beat

11. What does Moss say is the problem with his stealing the leads himself?
(a) He does not know where they are kept
(b) He has a criminal record
(c) He has a bad leg
(d) He has spoken too much about it

12. Where is Levene currently living?
(a) His car
(b) A rooming house
(c) An apartment
(d) A hotel

13. Which player in the real estate world of the play is never mentioned in Scene 1?
(a) Moss
(b) Aaronow
(c) Mitch
(d) Roma

14. Which of Levene's relations does he try to invoke to gain some pity from Williamson?
(a) His wife
(b) His daughter
(c) His son
(d) His brother

15. At the very beginning of Scene 2, how does Moss characterize all the leads he is given?
(a) Deadbeats
(b) Motormouths
(c) Maniacs
(d) Racists

Short Answer Questions

1. How many leads was Shelley Levene given last time?

2. How many premium Glengarry leads does Moss estimate the office has?

3. Which of the following is not a time Levene lists for his premium sits?

4. How much money does Levene claimed to have made in 1979?

5. What have the salesmen been offered if they win the sales contest?

(see the answer keys)

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