The Glass Menagerie Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Glass Menagerie Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Laura describe Emily Meisenback's clothes in high school?
(a) Nice
(b) Gaudy
(c) Shabby
(d) Best-dressed

2. When does Amanda tell Tom she will speak to him?
(a) When he is married
(b) When he brings home more money
(c) When he appologizes
(d) Never

3. What is the one thing about Tom's father that Amanda wishes he would try and emulate?
(a) Taking care of his appearance
(b) His charm
(c) His wit
(d) His walk

4. What happens when Tom is trying to get his coat on as he goes out the door?
(a) Laura's glass menagerie is broken
(b) He hits his mother
(c) He knocks a piture off the mantle
(d) The phone is broken

5. Tom describes his mother as a woman of what?
(a) Quietness
(b) Action
(c) Grace
(d) Humility

6. Who is the boy that Laura states she liked once?
(a) Jim
(b) Alanzo
(c) Barthalomew
(d) Fredrick

7. What happens when Tom takes the first sip of his hot coffee?
(a) He throws the coffee in the sink
(b) He falls onto the floor thrashing
(c) He screams
(d) He spits it back in the cup

8. Amanda tells her son Tom to not push his food with his fingers. What does he suggest he push with?
(a) Napkin
(b) Elbow
(c) Crust of Bread
(d) Spoon

9. What does Amanda tell the children they have to do with their food that animals do not?
(a) Buy it at the Store
(b) Put it on a Plate
(c) Chew
(d) Cook

10. What did it say in the Personal Section of the yearbook about Jim and Emily Meisenback?
(a) They were talented.
(b) They were popular.
(c) They were going to college.
(d) They were engaged.

11. What does Laura stat Amanda is afraid of?
(a) That Laura will be an old maid
(b) Her Children Leaving Home
(c) Thieves
(d) Spiders

12. What does Tom warn his mother that James doesn't know about?
(a) Laura
(b) That Tom and his mother fight
(c) That they are poor
(d) That Tom wants James' job

13. What does Amanda say that Tom should have done the minute he accepted Tom's invitation?
(a) Call Amanda
(b) Help Laura find a nice dress
(c) Do a happy dance
(d) Find out what he likes to eat

14. What is it that Laura had that caused the nickname Blue Roses?
(a) Influenza
(b) Pleurosis
(c) Mumps
(d) A Rash in the shape of a flower

15. What is the gentleman's position at the warehouse?
(a) Docking Supervisior
(b) Janitor
(c) Shift Superintendent
(d) Shipping Clerk

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Amanda intend to get the money she feels they will need?

2. What is Amanda sending Laura out to the store to buy?

3. What does Tom say he would rather do than go to night school?

4. What does Tom say that he won't do after he rises?

5. Why does Amanda want Laura to stay fresh and pretty?

(see the answer keys)

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