Gimpel the Fool Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gimpel the Fool Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the final expression on Elka's face after she confesses to Gimpel?
(a) She drops a single tear.
(b) She is smiling.
(c) She is frowning.
(d) Her mouth is agape.

2. How had Gimpel felt previously about the person who brought Elka the food and money from Gimpel?
(a) Gimpel had thought he was a curmudgeon.
(b) Gimpel had thought he was a busybody.
(c) Gimpel had seen him as an annoyance.
(d) Gimpel had seen him as a fellow fool.

3. What does the person Gimpel confronts tell Gimpel to do?
(a) Admit that he isn't actually Elka's husband.
(b) See an herb doctor or healer, as something is wrong with Gimpel's head.
(c) Leave Elkaif he truely loves her.
(d) Bake some break for dinner that night.

4. Why does Elka make her deathbed confession?
(a) She is hallucinating.
(b) She wants Gimpel to know he wasn't her true love.
(c) She just thought Gimpel should know.
(d) She wants to go clean to her maker.

5. Who is Gimpel told he owes thanks to?
(a) The Yanover rabbi.
(b) Elka.
(c) The baker.
(d) The farmer.

6. On the night of Gimpel's return after a lengthy separation, what does Elka's "brother" do to Gimpel?
(a) Hugs him and tells him he's glad Gimpel's home.
(b) Jump from behind the oven and strikes him on the head.
(c) Yells at Gimpel to leave.
(d) Ties Gimpel up and threatens to kill him.

7. What does the rabbi tell Gimpel he can do regarding his marriage?
(a) Go home.
(b) Go ahead with the divorce.
(c) Go back to the bakery.
(d) Go to the synagogue.

8. While on her deathbed, what does Elka ask Gimpel to do?
(a) Check on the goat one last time.
(b) Forgive her.
(c) Take care of his children.
(d) Make sure she is cremated.

9. When the second dream person appears to Gimpel, what do they look like?
(a) Like a skeleton.
(b) Happy and healthy.
(c) Sorrowful.
(d) Shrouded with a black face.

10. How does Gimpel describe the person who brings food to Elka?
(a) As a goodhearted lad.
(b) As a thief.
(c) As a bum.
(d) As a curmudgeon.

11. After Elka's death, who appears to Gimpel while he is sleeping?
(a) The baker.
(b) The Spirit of Evil.
(c) The rabbi.
(d) God.

12. At the end of the story, what does Gimpel say about the world we live in?
(a) It is imaginary and once removed.
(b) It is the work of the Spirit of Evil.
(c) It is hell.
(d) It is in fact heaven.

13. After her death, who does Elka think she has fooled?
(a) Herself.
(b) Gimpel.
(c) God.
(d) Her children.

14. Even though Gimpel has not seen his wife, what does he do to celebrate the event that occurred while the couple was separated?
(a) Invoke a blessing on the baby girl and name her.
(b) Skips the period of mourning.
(c) Divorces Elka.
(d) Invoke a blessing for the baby boy and name him.

15. What does Gimpel tell the children to do before he leaves town?
(a) Start their own businesses.
(b) Remember him well.
(c) Forget him.
(d) Pray for their mother.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Gimpel tell Elka on her deathbed?

2. Instead of God or an afterlife, what does the the person in Gimpel's dream say is there?

3. In order to right his wrongfully attempted vengeance, what does Gimpel do?

4. What is wrong with Elka when she becomes ill?

5. After disposing of his vengence, what does Gimpel do when he returns home?

(see the answer keys)

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