Gimpel the Fool Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gimpel the Fool Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who do the townspeople say lives with Elka?
(a) Her little brother.
(b) Her husband.
(c) Her uncle.
(d) Her little sister.

2. When the Rabbi hears what Gimpel has said about Elka's infidelity, what does he say?
(a) Gimpel eats too much.
(b) He will have to reconsider the case.
(c) Elka deserves to be loved and forgiven.
(d) He knew that Gimpel would be happy in a new town.

3. Who beats up on Gimpel?
(a) Elka's "little brother"/bastard.
(b) The townspeople.
(c) The baker.
(d) Elka.

4. When does Gimpel receive his nickname?
(a) When he is a schoolboy.
(b) He doesn't have a nickname.
(c) As an adult.
(d) As a baby.

5. What honor and ritual is Gimpel responsible for at the birth celebration?
(a) The blessing and naming.
(b) None-- Elka is responsible for everything.
(c) The betrothal.
(d) The circumcision.

6. How does Gimpel rationalize Elka's behavior?
(a) "Anything is possible"
(b) "I have done the same."
(c) "You can't live without errors."
(d) "She loves someone else."

7. What happens on Gimpel and Elka's wedding night?
(a) Elka locks Gimpel out of the bedroom.
(b) Gimpel breaks his vow of celebacy.
(c) Gimpel surprises Elka with a new house.
(d) Gimpel falls alseep before Elka does.

8. Who wants Gimpel to marry Elka?
(a) The Rabbi.
(b) His parents.
(c) The townspeople.
(d) The Farmer.

9. What is Gimpel's defense against being called foolish?
(a) Everything is possible.
(b) He is stupid.
(c) He can't tell when people are kidding.
(d) He likes jokes.

10. Who follows Gimpel to Elka's house?
(a) Gimpel's parents.
(b) The Baker.
(c) The townspeople.
(d) The Rabbi.

11. What do Gimpel and Elka have in common?
(a) They both smell bad.
(b) They are both orphans.
(c) They both have children.
(d) They love each other.

12. After hearing of Elka's infidelity, what does the Rabbi tell Gimpel to do?
(a) Move to another town.
(b) Divorce Elka.
(c) Kill Elka.
(d) Forgive Elka.

13. Although he is furious, why doesn't Gimpel awaken Elka in a rage?
(a) He knows the baby likes to sleep next to its mother.
(b) He doesn't want to awaken the baby with fright.
(c) He is jealous that Elka has won over his new girlfriend.
(d) He isn't really angry.

14. As a joke, what do the townspeople tell Gimpel has happened to his parents?
(a) They are in debt and have sold him to the farmer.
(b) They have died.
(c) They have risen from the dead and are looking for him.
(d) They have moved to another town and left Gimpel behind.

15. What physical imperfection does Elka have?
(a) She has twelve fingers.
(b) She walks with a limp.
(c) She can't have children.
(d) She is missing her left arm.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Gimpel do while Elka is in childbirth?

2. What falsehood do the townspeople tell Gimpel about Elka?

3. What does Elka want before agreeing to marry Gimpel?

4. What does Gimpel steal for Elka?

5. What is the first thing Gimpel says about himself?

(see the answer keys)

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