Gilgamesh: Man's First Story Test | Final Test - Medium

Bernarda Bryson Shahn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gilgamesh: Man's First Story Test | Final Test - Medium

Bernarda Bryson Shahn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Gilgamesh lift a stone and throw it down onto the boat?
(a) He hopes to wake the boatman.
(b) He is afraid of the boatman.
(c) He is unable to control his impatient anger.
(d) He does not know what to do.

2. What does Gilgamesh reason?
(a) Because Enkidu is not the King, he should be the only one banished.
(b) Because the gods like him, he should become immortal.
(c) Because they committed all their acts together, they cannot die separately.
(d) Because Ishtar is unkind, she should be killed.

3. What happens after eleven days and nights of this leg of Gilgamesh's journey?
(a) He sees Anu.
(b) He see a trace of light.
(c) He is in complete darkness.
(d) He meets Enkidu.

4. How has Gilgamesh made travel in the boat impossible?
(a) By destroying the sails.
(b) By destroying the deck.
(c) By breaking the oarlocks.
(d) By breaking the oars.

5. What does the scorpion-man describe to Gilgamesh?
(a) His ancestors.
(b) The path to take.
(c) The perils of passing through the caverns.
(d) The terain of the surrounding land.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Utnapishtim doing at the beginning of this chapter?

2. Where do the two decide to rest and sleep?

3. What does Enkidu then hear?

4. How long does Gilgamesh wait for Urshanabi to arrive?

5. Looking up at the towering peaks, what does Gilgamesh wonder?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Utnapishtim agree to tell Gilgamesh?

2. What does Utnapishtim begin?

3. What takes place in Enkidu's dream?

4. What does Sabitu explain to Gilgamesh that he will find on the shore?

5. How does Sabitu react after Gilgamesh tells his story?

6. How does Gilgamesh lose the magic weed?

7. What happens when Gilgamesh reaches the Mountains of Mashu?

8. After Gilgamesh tells his story, how does Utnapishtim respond?

9. What does the scorpion-man urge Gilgamesh to do? How does Gilgamesh respond?

10. Why is the crow sent out? Why does it not return?

(see the answer keys)

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