Gilgamesh: Man's First Story Test | Final Test - Easy

Bernarda Bryson Shahn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gilgamesh: Man's First Story Test | Final Test - Easy

Bernarda Bryson Shahn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Utnapishtim demand to know about the stranger?
(a) If he is intelligent.
(b) His identity and how he came to be there.
(c) Why he does not go home.
(d) If he is a King.

2. What does Utnapishtim promise to do to the boatman?
(a) Ignore him.
(b) Punish him who aided Gilgamesh on his journey.
(c) Reward him for aiding Gilgamesh on his journey.
(d) Treat him the way he has always treated him.

3. How does the wife of Utnapishtim describe Gilgamesh?
(a) A filthy mess.
(b) As a young man, thin and haggered, but otherwise like to she and her husband.
(c) As an odd looking man.
(d) A stranger.

4. Does Utnapishtim agree to aid Gilgamesh in his impossible mission?
(a) No.
(b) Yes.
(c) Not necessarily.
(d) At first.

5. What does Utnapishtim think about Gilgamesh's appearance?
(a) He is surprised by it.
(b) He is upset by it.
(c) He is angered by it.
(d) He is disgusted by it.

6. What does Sabitu do after exiting her house?
(a) She offers Gilgamesh food and wine and a place to sit.
(b) She calls for the gods.
(c) She looks for Gilgamesh's ancestor.
(d) She sends Gilgamesh away.

7. Is man meant to be immortal?
(a) No.
(b) Yes.
(c) Maybe.
(d) Some.

8. What does Utnapishtim begin at the beginning of this chapter?
(a) The story of how he came to live by the Bitter River.
(b) The story of how he became friends with the gods.
(c) The story of how he gained his immortality.
(d) The story of how he met Gilgamesh's mother.

9. Why does she feel this way about Gilgamesh?
(a) He is very handsome.
(b) He has disturbed her peace.
(c) He has wild and unkempt looks.
(d) He came upon her very quietly.

10. What does Sabitu say about what the King attempts?
(a) It is surprising.
(b) It is impossible.
(c) It is encouraging.
(d) It is very brave.

11. What does Gilgamesh reason?
(a) Because the gods like him, he should become immortal.
(b) Because Enkidu is not the King, he should be the only one banished.
(c) Because Ishtar is unkind, she should be killed.
(d) Because they committed all their acts together, they cannot die separately.

12. Utnapishtim does as he has been told by Ea while the other citizens of Shuruppak do what?
(a) Go about their daily business.
(b) Prepare for the flood.
(c) Build an ark.
(d) Taunt him.

13. What does the scorpion-man describe to Gilgamesh?
(a) His ancestors.
(b) The perils of passing through the caverns.
(c) The terain of the surrounding land.
(d) The path to take.

14. What is the difficulty in getting the plant?
(a) Getting it before nightfall.
(b) Getting it before an earthquake hits.
(c) Getting it before other animals get it.
(d) Getting it before the waters of the river kill him.

15. What does Gilgamesh smash?
(a) The deck.
(b) The sails.
(c) The oars.
(d) The oarlocks.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Gilgamesh immediately repent?

2. What does Sabitu ask the King?

3. What do most of the gods want?

4. Where do the two decide to rest and sleep?

5. Of what does Chapter Nine mark the beginning?

(see the answer keys)

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