Gilgamesh: Man's First Story Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Bernarda Bryson Shahn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gilgamesh: Man's First Story Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Bernarda Bryson Shahn
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 9.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who robs a young hunter's traps?
(a) Ishtar.
(b) Enkidu.
(c) Anu.
(d) Aruru.

2. Looking up at the towering peaks, what does Gilgamesh wonder?
(a) How he will make it to the top.
(b) If he has truly reached the mountains, whose peaks touch the heavens, and whose foundations reach into the bowels of the earth.
(c) Where Enkidu.
(d) If the gods live on the tops of the peaks.

3. What does this god ask Gilgamesh?
(a) Why he does not turn back.
(b) Why he has not found Enkidu.
(c) Where he has been.
(d) How he came to be here in the garden, so gaunt and disheveled.

4. What does Enkidu refuse to do?
(a) Slay Gilgamesh, who is such a worthy opponent.
(b) Allow Gilgamesh to leave.
(c) Forgive Gilgamesh.
(d) Give Gilgamesh to the citizens.

5. How does the young girl feel when she sees the man?
(a) She is irritated.
(b) She is terrified.
(c) She is unsure.
(d) She is excited.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does the young priestess do this?

2. What does the girl do when she looks beyond the savagery of this man's appearance to the gentleness of his nature?

3. What does Ishtar ask her father Anu to create?

4. How does the goddess Ishtar feel about what has taken place?

5. Where does the anticipated battle between the King and the savage take place?

(see the answer key)

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